
Also, is 25% really predatory when the guy has absolute dog shit credit?? The other option was to just not lend to him, which he didn’t seem to thrilled with?

That’s really a bad example with this guy. $4k buys a perfectly reliable used commuter car. No reason to be spending $20+k. Did he not see 25% and not faint? Look at the interest payment and decide to maybe go look at $4k used cars?

$4000 buys you a very decent old car in cash to get you through for a while. Sucks for the dude, but come on. This is just as much on the buyer as anyone else. People need to get over their desire for non-basic transportation. Sure it’s nice to have nice stuff but we can’t always have that. Sometimes you need to

4,000 will buy you a perfectly suitable used commuter car. You don’t need a big fancy truck when your trying to get back on your feet. Sounds like the cycle just repeats itself.

“It may seem easy to write Woodrum off as ignorant of finance, or budgeting, or the car buying process.” That nonetheless doesn’t change the reality that he is.

If you can’t afford it, don’t buy new. I mean, I get all this subprime stuff is wrong and a red flag for the economy of the US. But seriously?

I am convinced Ferrari is a just vile company. I don’t have the money to, but if I did, I’d never buy one. Porsche’s cars are as good to drive for far less money, McLaren’s have better performance, and Lamborghini builds better supercars.

If she’s 100% certain the relationship is over and there’s nothing he can do to change it, I think ending it definitively and giving him space is the kindest thing to do. Breakups are truly the worst, and the only thing that helps is time. The only real kindness you can show when dumping someone is to be firm and

He thinks health insurance is life insurance.

Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.

he’s got like 3 ASE certifications, he knows what he’s talking about.

The weight is always placed on the axels, bruh.

Could this explain his strange questioning during the Comey hearing?

“Where’s Charles Bronson when you need him?”

Well god-damn, Cap’s got some solid snark in him, lol.

I love this twitter exchange for so many reasons.

But it is the rest of us who are special snowflakes, right?

Captain America, doing the Lord’s work every day.

“Made in America” week? Does that mean Trump will make all of his crappy products in the US?