
So ignore Space X’s accomplishments, Tesla’s push for a more affordable longer range electric car, and Solar City’s powerwalls, solar roofs and panels then. Yeah the man hasn’t done anything to benefit humanity...........

You don’t drive 140+ miles a day in heavy traffic. I can tell.

You do realize every manufacturer is transitioning their instrument clusters to TFT displays gradually. Look at Honda products, every new model adds a TFT display. It is a more efficient and adaptable way of displaying information vs analog gauges. So whether you like it or not, thats the way everything is going.

Dealers shouldn’t be getting pissed at you walking in wearing whatever comfortable clothes you want. They should be courteous to anyone that comes in and is interested and enthusiastic about their brand. When the young kid in the GTR inherits daddies money they will remember your shitty attitude and Ferrari

Really hope this guy had gap insurance......he likely paid well over MSRP when he bought it and thats a total loss.

Uhhhh......KBB is being generous and who in the world finances tax title and license? You are at least 12% of the vehicle price under water best case scenario.......

Yeah.....highly doubt this was Honda’s choice. They are going to be completely off the grid next year.

The fact it will cost the military more to recruit and train 15,000 more soldiers to replace the transgender soldiers than their medical care makes sense how? Just from the fiscal responsibility standpoint this was dumb as shit.

A bunch of engineers just cringed at the thought of someone now using cheap ass non-synthetic oil in their engine that specifies “Mobil 1 XW-X0" cause some guy on Jalopnik got some data on Subaru’s from a lab and they said its all good.

Coke Zero is an abomination, Diet Coke FTW

Coke Zero is an abomination, Diet Coke FTW

Leaving out the brand this is what a smart person does. This is also likely someone that will have a good credit score because they are responsible with their spending. Then you have people like the first example who are just utterly incompetent and think they need a $25k+ vehicle even though they have crap credit

Is osmosis when an incompetent moron posts incriminating documents online himself? Cause that isn’t “news through osmosis” that’s simply paying attention.

I don’t think I had ever read Stephen’s actual speech before........ holy shit, the things our education system glosses over.

He’s Canadian.....they are probably better at keeping secrets.

Unlikely to be caught? You think this is the only video and no one else caught a plate number or detailed description? Not to mention this is likely a very compressed video that was uploaded, which means the original video, likely provided to police, is a much higher resolution.

Well as someone that actually transition from Karting for 10 year to auto racing at club and then semi-pro levels for another 10, I never said sponsorship is the key issue at karting levels. In fact I said:

Hahaha you don’t think there will be an insurance claim against the biker......? He did a hit and run, you better damn well believe he will be hot by a claim.

I am an adult with a mature brain which allows me to realize your ineptitude and narrow mindedness. You clearly chose not to read a lot of things which makes your uneducated point of view understandable.

And those that have actual emergencies are inhibited by the shit stains that are impatient and think they are better than everyone else and deserve to use the shoulder for no legitimate reason. So your argument doesn’t hold much water.

The same argument could be made for him riding the shoulder and the shoulder passers thinking “ZOMG IT’S NOT FAIR HE IS BLOCKING ME”. What a society full of self absorbed pretentious shit stains we have turned in to.