
The seat belt thing is actually a legitimate issue here. If this were a wreck on the freeway he could have very well ended up in the same situation. The details of the wreck sound awful if factual. He basically had his chest and pelvis crushed and laid suffering for over a minute while he burned alive.

Except no one looks at a Phaeton like an S-Class or 7-Series. (99% of people on the road simply think its a Passat).

What did you set the driveatar difficulty to? I set it to the highest and still lapped the back of the pack but if you lapped the whole field twice at the highest difficulty with all assists off that is pretty ridiculous.

I do, I sincerely hope that, either a crowbar or the grill of a Prius. Fuck this moron.

clearly both

She should have used that money to fix her damn

Forza 5 got slammed for this kind of tactics and all of the fan outrage led to forza 6 being micro transaction free!

Did you skim past the first one that ended due to PRIVACY and TRUST concerns. Like none of that would be a big deal in a relationship with a cam girl.

The cost to be competitive in a “spec” series is always higher than other classes. And spec miata has a lot of competition.

Even better perspective. The people running in the front of Spec Miata at SCCA/NASA national championships typically spend $80-100,000 on that season. To race a an Amateur series....and be competitive.

So as long as the convicted child predator uses another persons information (SS#,DL#,ID)......since they don’t finger print are totally good to go!

Your job requires decisions that requires you to sit at a desk constantly? If you are tied to your desk you aren’t very practical. Make those decisions while picking up your kid.

I gave up racing bikes before my daughter was conceived, I promised my wife I would stop when we decided to have kids. I had one time I went down on the bike on track at very low speed with just a little too much brake at the end of a race weekend that was 100% all me. It was stupid and I realized I shouldn’t have

I actually prefer this over an integrated design.

The person who started this network was a genius. Play to womens fears, make all of the people in the dramatization better looking, add in some lingerie and steamy sex scenes, toss in some crazy murder mystery drama, and JACKPOT!

“spend just a bit more and get an Xbox One and you get the exclusives as well as the HDMI hookup. “

Play until you have finished each level and raid and then quit. It’s just mindless repetition after that.

And that explains my kids sunburns on their face after multiple applications.

Yeah, that never fucking works. Most dealers regardless what you tell them continue to call for the next 6-12 months to see if you are “still in the market” so you should take a nice shot of STFU

While a majority of CarMax cars are sold at retail prices Carmax does occasionally have cars that are priced competitively with the private market. I purchased my wife’s BMW Z4 for $1000 less than any comparable one I could find anywhere, we then sold it back to carmax 2 years later with 20k more on the odometer for