
I’m sorry, clearly the most ridiculous claim is 1700 HP 8.2L V* with a 7-DCT that gets 22MPG.

I do not see how the Fiat made it on the list let alone in the top 3. The person suggesting all these infuriating quirks obviously has limited experience with automobiles in general. 90% of the complaints could be almost any compact/economy car out there.

Skip the MDX and buy the new 2016 Pilot, even better.

a 2017 Model could release as early as January of in theory it could be here in as little as 8 months.

Wow, 90% of the cars I am in I hate the headrests, My 15’ Abarth is one of the few cars I don’t have a complaint about. Yeah the seating position is a little higher than I would like (I’m 6’2”) but the rest of the complaints seem super nit picky.

You haven’t played enough, you don’t need AI to go through heists, you can join the heists in progress with other real people who are actually at a disadvantage if you play the actual missions and jobs instead of just free roaming next time.

Interesting it worked fine for me right now. Just purchased it.

Interesting it worked fine for me right now. Just purchased it.

Are they really though............

From every movie

Everyone is probably really happy about this......except the grid girls that no longer will have a paycheck from these events.

The second guy sounds like he probably has some weird political/religious/other view or aspirations that probably scare them off and cause the fade away. Sometimes when you are first dating you put on your best self and try not to dive to much in to any of your wacky ideas and eccentricities. Then a few dates / weeks

Ok this looks like an MMC for the Sonic not a spark.....

Damn they really messed up the interior. They were going the right direction with the last one but this is a terrible new direction.

The Ultra rich have many options at this point for cars much more exclusive than the sackless prancing horse vendors.

I do not understand the Ferrari LaFerrari owners. Usually someone that rich and powerful would be the type to turn around to Ferrari and say fuck you and then proceed to hand the car over to Motor Trend.

He was great in Workaholics......that is and probably always will be the highlight of his sad career.

I love how the rider on the left didn't even take off. He just sits at the line and watches you roll it.

You don't want to go off on the outside of 9 sideways. That's how most cars go off in 9 and 99% of them end up in the wall

ROFL if you think any of that will turn a woman that could care less about cars in to anything more than a wife that's pissed you wasted so much of her time.

Correction, I think that is a Camry.