Laura Bush Tilman

Yes, Dame Taylor! Now that’s a movie that must be made (not kidding one bit). I dig this chick. R.I.P. Dame Elizabeth.

failed, permissive Asian parent.

I’m impressed by his commitment to the task. That’s a looooooong time to scheme something, and to focus on someone. I usually lose interest after the first date. When I realize who I thought he was and who he is do not match. Wonder what it was about this teacher that pierced him so badly? If he really loved her, he’d

I wish you peace, and an end to your suffering, Lamar. While strangers, I don’t judge anything you did. I wish your children peace and time to heal. And I wish you eternal sleep since that’s where I think you wanted to be. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry you lacked a strong support system for what you

So Operation Trident is a gum sponsored NATO expertise? Ahem, Operation?

it’s beautiful!

How do you say Go FORD!!!! in Italian? Well, you get the gist. Unless you can’t read English. Then it won’t matter, but the ! will be a strong hint.

don’t know your preference, but they ain’t cheap. Let’s drink to finding consensus and rainbows as strangers in this cloud. Cheers, mate

I see a leprechaun - sure we’re talking about the same crook?

So Bernie’s more this with Lurch hair?

LOL... never. gets. old. Delivers tears from laughter every time ;) Kisses, doll

it’s all one pot in the end anyway, so you have a point.

Fuck me, Lurch is a billionaire And friends with Putin?

diddo ;D

Ok, I serve the people ;)

Thanks. There’s no denying Sanders service to this country, and his authenticity. Electability has never determined my votes at any level. Hell, voted Nader and Dean (after he imploded w/that mic). Voted Flynt for California Governor. We just disagree on too many issues for me to cast a vote for Sanders, and it seems

I’m not voting for him, but he did a great job with Ellen. They had good chemistry. I like him - but not for president of the United States.

with all the gay supporters in DNC, you’d think they’d choose a classier palette. Great call flagging that ;)

Reason #2544 I won’t shop WalMart: They won’t sell porn but will sell lube? Get your shit together. I want to buy the porn, gun and lube via One Stop Shopping! Who has time to drive around town?