Laura Bush Tilman

I rent and don’t own. Laundry at the laundry mat. Cities have them. The Firefigher Union Lobby is a shady enterprise in the state where I live, and I don’t trust them to be qualified at fighting fires. Wildfires happen in other parts of the state from where I live. If the neighbors cause a fire, so be it, but it

I don’t live in fear of dying. Yes, when the time comes, we all die. And if he dies riding, so be it. It’s better than a lifetime of living by someone elses rules. You sound like you’ve never met people who live unencumbered by the systems that hold us down? I’m free because I’m willing to die - and that frees up my

my house isn’t on fire... I don’t cook, so no fears of fire in the house.

that it? that’s all you got? meanwhile, he’s riding and enjoying the road.

1. I didn’t buy him either bike. He works and makes his own money.

we live in a state where Illegals get to drive and now register to vote. I don’t care how he lives since our taxes are diverted to illegal aliens and fail to service the roads he crashed on. MediCal can pick up the tab.

the Shoei’s I bought were $950. No regrets. Worth every dime.

Shoei is worth every dime. Agree, helmet and the protective clothing (jacket, vest guard, gloves) worth the expense...

DOT sucks ass. There’s no value and they are overpriced.

I didn’t buy it for him. He makes his own money to spend as he pleases. If these conditions bother you, perhaps vote on better conditions for millennials in this economy. MediCal can pick up the tab if need be.

nope. The healthcare system isn’t one we’re going to participate in. When you know the system is shit, don’t pay into it. If he dies, he died doing what he loved. Otherwise, he has a health directive and gets to live on. Safety is overrated in this Nanny state mentality. Insurance is a joke for a 25 year old kid. He

There isn’t a heafty insurance policy. It’s a core value to live free. And that includes fearlessly - I didn’t buy him the 1000. He bought it himself! I raised him to be self-reliant and independent. We don’t focus on death. We focus on living the fullest in the moment. He handled the bike beautifully, and he’s a

I loath the Fire Dept Pension fuckers/Union Lobby. That’s why we don’t use their dumbass services. There are people who buy used helmets listed all over Craig’s list. But we’re keeping his as a memento. It’s not our family’s responsibility to save lives. And I don’t go near fire station/houses.

and toss the Prius. They aren’t addressing climate change one bit since owners tend to be millionaires who overconsume.

oh, I see your point. I’ll share with him and see what he wants. It’s his head - my money ;) And with the head on his shoulders, he’s worth another grand if need be.

I see your point, but he’s not going to sell the helmet. We already talked about it and if he feels he wants a new one, I’ll spend another grand on a new one. He’s going to keep that original forever cause of walking away from those two crashes.

is that how you’re supposed to toss the milk after the expiration date... when the expiration date’s manufactured to get you buying rather than going from smell to know if the milk has gone bad? He had the helmet checked and it was fine. Sometimes the milk stinks before the expiration date and sometimes it lasts a few

Shoei helmets are great and worth every dime. My son crashed twice within a year, the second totaled his GSX-R 750. Both times he walked away, no broken bones. Helmet protected against head trauma even though the second crash the bike landed on him - he signed waivers to refuse the ambulance/FireDept bullshit/hassles.

piss smell reminds of Paris

Great job! This is what we need to be talking about. And great call with the ad, Alana. Remember that story a few weeks back about the developer who killed his son’s friend’s dad and would have driven off had the car not leaked a trail for cops to follow? Meanwhile, this is the market that funds his lifestyle.