Laura Bush Tilman

PM is a troll. Best deal is just to Flag its dumbass on a chain, Dismiss in your replies and move on. I just Dismiss all without reading... This person isn’t here to make conversation. It’s a sexist pig who spreads misandry, discouraging real dialog.

Hope you have a terrific day, doll!

LOL. I can’t type you cracked me up so bad...

nature is my first true love, so thank you for confirming that need will be met, and to take the slow swamp boat! Gotta find a way to do this with all the good folks sharing their stories... come on schedule (free up). So glad you had a terrific time.


who, my ‘man ho’ to show off the town? NO. It’s the skill set I’m after....

thanks, K!!!! Hugs.

glad you enjoyed ;) Hope to add to the story someday. Come on schedule, open up so I can get to Mardi Gras....

that cracked me up... ok, do tell, is it worth the visit?

darlin’ Cheesy is fine by me :) Thanks for these tips, and for catching that I meant propeller boat... yay, now just need to find the time on the calendar (sigh). That’s a bit of a challenge at the moment.

have you been? do tell...

I’ve always wanted to visit New Orleans to bang at their cemetery, visit the Voodoo Museum and take a boat ride in the wetlands... reading this didn’t change anything. Still hope to bang at a NOLO cemetery someday with a proper New Orleans Hustler trained in the art of pleasing women proper.

Cracking up so hard right now at your Skeleton reply. I don’t even know what you’re conversing about, nor had I seen this story until clicked your reply on my Dashboard. This is why I love following you!!! Hi, R :) Hope you’re having a good day... thank you for lightening up my dash ;)

This guy is bad news. He’s hurt a lot of people abusing his role in Sacramento. I’m not surprised by this video, and bet in the not so distant future, we’ll be hearing from some brave folks who’ll share what they know to get his ass out of office.

have a great Sunday, doll.

You betcha! (I’m a cougar...)

JCM - As a long-time penile connoisseur, proudly on them since 1986: approve your message. Also, Batshit call re mama is spot on. Twofer!

Thoughts to Austin Theriault and family for a speedy recovery.

LOL. I +1 for the humor... ;) Be careful out there....