Laura Bush Tilman

This guy is bad news. He’s hurt a lot of people abusing his role in Sacramento. I’m not surprised by this video, and bet in the not so distant future, we’ll be hearing from some brave folks who’ll share what they know to get his ass out of office.

have a great Sunday, doll.

You betcha! (I’m a cougar...)

JCM - As a long-time penile connoisseur, proudly on them since 1986: approve your message. Also, Batshit call re mama is spot on. Twofer!

Thoughts to Austin Theriault and family for a speedy recovery.

LOL. I +1 for the humor... ;) Be careful out there....

Ya know, Simba - funny you should comment because as a FORD shareholder and Bimmer driver, when I got to that photo I thought someone mixed BMW w Mustang. Glad someone else noticed. Also, as a Ford shareholder, Simba, should you be in the market for a new vehicle, please consider one of Fords fine line ups.

two things

I didn’t recognize Putin with a shirt on and no horse.

bet he luv’d that plug

you’d prefer leather? Not velcro? Were you thinking VELCRO... Randilyn. Not this

b/c you’re sane. My guess is just one more way to show how Special she is. They are. How popular... nothing we’d need to get through the day.

that’s some scary shit. didn’t even know you could do that.

The study of contrast between the full time, professional soldiers and part-time farmer/fighter is really clear in Scotland. There’s a memorial on the Culloden site where the Jacobites fought the red coats. They used bricks extending from the side of the wall to show the lives lost. The Red Coats suffered less than 50

We agree about the show - I wasn’t plugging it, more using it as an example of how using two different cultures/units with detailed weapons analysis showed a contrast in style. But your detailed break down is interesting. Archery is a lot about control and discipline, but nothing like what you described this unit

if you can fit it into your line-up, I for one would love to read more about their history. It’d also be cool to see where they fit with other well known units. There used to be a show called Deadliest Warrior and they’d match various armies and use historical figures to tell the narrative. This is was an interesting

it’d be cool to visit that armory and time travel. Love that it’s a balance of old and new. Too bad it’s the Pope... but by far, this was the best news to come from that visit. Very interesting.

um, since I follow you, your comments appear on my Dash... and just saw this exchange. Remember last week when we disagreed about Pelosli? I got you on this one dude! You’re fine. Your points valid. Gold-digger chicks are just as bad as wife-beating trash. Just as affluent men can see through Agenda Whores, women who

it’s important not to forget

Have you seen this movie? Your post took me st8 to this exchange....