Laura Bush Tilman

got it. then... changing my reply to (since can’t delete on this fucking system) ————-> yep :)

no dude, she’s into the fish. not obama

for those of us who care about the environment, his stance authentically reflects his view on the topic... I got duped in 2008 but wised up by 2012.

thank you, fish. Wish I could have been the one to deliver the message. That’s for letting Shell drill the Arctic you fuck! Good fishie.

so mulch it? Ok, but can we add sandalwood, eucalyptus and jasmine?

it obviously wasn’t a legit Fight Club since they broke the first rule! Back to the end of the line.

unless it’s yard trimmings full of tree branches, brush, plants and other natural wonders. Then it’d smell good. But if it consists of food or other organic matter with high water content that’s decomposing, then, yep: Stinks.

looks like a Simpsons character

on the garbage patch? where... the Chinese ships? If you’re meaning on the ship, no need: Palin’s loud mouth gets both Russians and Chinese intel about the visit. On the patch? Ask the dolphins trained by Japan to spy on Hawaii???? Not sure.

we’d save money if we start with the garbage patch... you know, start from a firm foundation? It’d be adaptive reuse, so maybe we’d get tax credits for building green? Doesn’t hurt to ask.

How do you say I can see Auh-BaMa from my Hull in Mandarin?

Think ya missed the mark, Michael B ;)

design team is female light... get some women on board and watch profits rise!

this gives me hope. luckily, my 13 year old German engineered car with 89,000 miles is low maintenance. it’s all been easy stuff to fix like a hazard light part under the cup holder that took just some tape to get back to work. Your post just now gives me confidence I have enough IKEA assembly experience to DIY as

love it!!!

I replaced the broken windsheild wiper motor in my luxury SAV. last week, replaced its air filter all by myself ;)

no need. I live in LA

and to stop having kids! Win. Win ;)

great taste!

I’m sorry, it’s just me, but too much crap. Really!?!? What do you do with all that rigamarol? Skip the GPS and use a map. Always kept our JEEP open air, so skip the radio since you never hear anything anyway. They lost what made JEEP a jeep. Looks like very other car.