So now we have to hate Bhuddists and demand they tear down thousands of years of statues?
So now we have to hate Bhuddists and demand they tear down thousands of years of statues?
We haven’t had that since Kennedy brought his harem into the WH.
Please post any verified sources of those wild claims. I’ll bet you can’t. There are women who have difficulty producing enough milk like I did at first, but I still breastfed as much as I could. When you study the effects and benefits its a no-brainer. Yes it takes a LOT of time. there are a lot of women whose…
So he’s getting a good lesson in life. Maybe he won’t be as bigoted as many of the posters here. Its like every time i’ve dated a White guy. Its not the white family and friends that are prejudicial, nasty, cruel and “MEAN” its my Black brothers and sisters who are the most cruel and bigoted to us. Even dating a…
This man is the real deal. Sorry to see him move on to the NFL, but he has worked hard for everything he has. He deserves it all.
Not as long as Chicago and Baltimore are still parts of the united states
All of this would be true... If there were a muslim ban! Someone’s self serving fantasy here is getting a lot of traction. Drumpf called for one but never even tried because it was STUPID. If this is a muslim ban its the most ineffective attempt you could come up with.
- Hey lets start by only targeting the countries…
While there may be illegal aliens working in the service industry, under what broken morality is giving them an advantage over the hard working ones who chose to be here legally ok? Simple fix- make e-verify mandatory for all employment punish employers and employees who violate it. Then ALL immigrants have an…
Apparently you missed the article, many of the comments here or most posts on this forum. I apologize for exposing your ignorance.
Whites may celebrate their kids doing stupid things on atv’s and shit, but we celebrate them being criminals. Doesn’t anyone stop to think black children could get AHEAD of whites if we celebrated their academics with as much effort as we cheer their criminal pursuits?
Please do explain how a black person supporting a black person who was wronged can be a closeted racist. Goodbye TroLL!!
Reading isn’t your strong point is it? Does it really seem purely racist if a non-white manager goes to this extreme? It sounds like the employees WERE (<They are Fired now as I hoped>) involved in a personal dispute with these guys that went beyond race. And the world wonders what mentality there is to calling a…
There has to be more to this story. Seems more personal than anything else. The manager demanding they leave certainly doesn’t look white. And I think its a good thing the police were there. They repeatedly stood up for the guys just trying to work out telling the staff they were wrong. Although called by staff they…
If this were done with a political goal in mind like that of the KKK or a white supremacist org, or radical muslim, or NBPP, or Branch Dividians, or any other org, it would have absolutely been terrorism. Terrorism is defined by the goal not the outcome. Its not whether people fear it, its whether that fear is used to…
Back to school Harriot. You can puff around making some fake article by misrepresenting the truth. But when are you going to stop this $h1+ and address real issues that affect our community rather than patting yourself on the back for sorely misunderstanding the english language?
The real question should be, What would he ever do for a living if he had to be honest enough to admit that ones own prejudice and racism is the only thing preventing someone from having friends of another race. This is just as tru for whites who don’t have us as friends as those of us who are too damn bigoted to have…
Want a laugh? Run @genielauren through your checker..
Maybe it’s a good thing. look at it this way. Even if you were fast enough and witty enough to crank out every tweet in 15 seconds that would mean you wasted 89 DAYS!!! over the last 10 years, 24x7 just writing tweets. That doesn’t count the endless days of time spent reading them either. Conservatively you have…
Stepping outside your bias zone doesn’t mean just using this as another reason to continue trolling others. It means actually listening to facts and details of your neighbors rather than shouting over them with your own twisted notions so you don’t have to face the truth. Until you can grow up and do that why bother?
Someone hasn’t done much journalist research. The incident at Air Force academy was admitted to by a BLACK cadet. All one has to do is look at how hard the commandant still came down on the brigade to see the integrity of that institution. Try Again.…