
That's what I was wondering. Seems like to be sturdy and powerful enough for daily business use it would also have to be a four-bladed death machine. I can imagine one of these things setting down in a suburban neighborhood where 20 kids playing in their yards would all rush over and crowd around before it takes

Heck, or houses owned by people who already were into alternative energy. I remember when I was a kid there was a house nearby that actually had a small generating dam on the property. People said they ended up selling more power back to the electric company than they used.

Depends on the kind of writing for me. I agree about the getting out thing, but only if it is something I want to write and needs my mind to be more free and open, inspired. I find going to a coffee shop for stuff that I don't want to write, chore writing, is counter productive. I tend to just drift in my mind and

Because they don't have a suspect yet. Not every death with a suicide note is a suicide, either.

For the same reason they are hesitant to quickly call child disappearances 'kidnappings'. Often they aren't, even if they are made to appear to be.

As contrary as it sounds to common sense, I think it would be early to classify anything as a hate crime until you have a suspect. There's no shortage of people who kill others and fake the motive to keep suspicion away from them. Going straight for the hate crime thing might be what the person who murdered this

yeah, that was kinda trollish, sorry. They're just "I bet I'm stronger than you" sports, I've never thought much of that kind of thing.

I'm not qualified to say on the physical equality part. I've read there is an edge toward males as far as strength and muscle mass in situations of equal height and build. There's a lot of junk in the olympics like weightlifting that seem likely problem spots, but they're silly sports anyway.

People try to have conversations about whether girls in kiddie beauty pageants should be fed tons of caffeine to improve performance, too. Sometimes it's impossible not to point out the obvious.

Instead of debating whether people should be genetically or even physically female to be in beauty pageants, can we just skip to the chase? Can we please accept the pageants themselves are disgusting leftovers of an era where women were considered commodities? Can we stop having contests to see which country's

We all do a lot of that. We tell people they have to wear seatbelts and not sell their kidneys and they can't do crack in the privacy of their own homes. We prohibit these acts because we feel they have broader implications on society. People who oppose abortion and contraception feel the same about those acts.

Eww, either leave Sally out of the pic or include other kids in it. With that headline the adults all look like child molesters.

In the end I think people are cheaper. Liability issues when someone chunks rocks at it and it hits a busload of orphans, someone is toying with it and loses a finger when the rotors start up, etc., combined with how fragile they are, paying college kids minimum wage will always be the better economic bet.

The problem is laws can change. If they get enough popular opinion on their side they can change the law, or even create an amendment to disallow abortion entirely. Improbable? Yep. Impossible? Nope. They did it with prohibition when the average person on the street didn't agree.

It would be awful if what he is saying is true, but it would be more awful if all men had to do was close their eyes and make snoring sounds to defend themselves against a rape charge.

I disagree with a lot of her points, but one thing that irks me is how discussions usually gloss over the fact that there are a tens of millions of women who differ with the standard Jezebel opinion about abortion, contraception, etc. I'm not saying they are right, but I don't think it really helps the dialog to

The use of uncomfortably dense writing is also annoying in scientific papers and articles. They use a style that is so dense that it is unreadable without decompressing every other sentence carefully and purposely. I don't mind writing that I have to digest, but I loathe writing that I have to chew.

Has anyone calculated what the altitude would be at that distance and angle? that seems like it would be really, really high up for a cloud.

I got into an argument once with someone who claimed animals have no emotions. Their point was it is all biomechanical responses, not actual emotions as we know them. It's hard for me to understand how anyone could think like that, especially watching something like this.

I dunno. Most images we see are when she is purposely smiling, yes. I have seen several with this expression though, it seems to be more the default.