Thank you so, so much. I love every single person who responded and I truly wish for them to understand the mechanics of why this happened. Perhaps if enough people do they can work toward change that will last, or at least understand how these limits on governmental power protect them from those interested in…
I can't believe that just an hour ago she was plain old Betty Munroe, and now she's Mrs. Ralph Hapshatt.
I've been through this so many times I'm just gonna go with a list for ya.
Hate to be a butt, but how about making a normal elevator out of carbon nanotubes first? At least make something that resembles a space elevator before saying we can make one that goes all the way to space? I've been hearing this for ten years, has anyone made anything yet?
I'd call it a stony cold glare of mischievousness.
and doctors: []
If there is any justice in the world surely to god Judy Blume is beyond living paycheck to paycheck...
Don't you people speak politician? No one is getting what he really wanted when he told that guy he wanted apology later ... in person... on the house floor...
Granted, and obviously she likes it that way.
I most certainly don't want to change anyone's mind. I want them to be effective and not work on such flawed views of reality that they won't ever be able to change anything.
There isn't really any such mandate for doctors, legally. Sure, they are supposed to do no harm, and there are regulations that they can't allow someone just to lay there and die, but they most certainly can refuse to do specific treatments they differ with so long as it doesn't endanger the patient.
That was part of the reason for the ruling. This regulation ALLOWED them to opt not to carry Oxycontin and other drugs if they didn't want to. The loophole for that was specifically laid out. If they determined that the effect of carrying the drug was detrimental to their business, they were given the right to not…
Probably so. Even more reason to finalize this knowledge and change the labeling, or even remarket the drug to remove that stigma. Until they do this is tantamount to abortion for those who believe life begins at fertilization.
I had a hard time finding where the downside to the policy is. She pretty much only says this:
Meh, if you consider basic cable TV. I just always found it odd that both of them had that happen around the same time. Their film careers sort of levelled off and eventually plummeted back to TV except for random little parts.
It's always kind of troubled me that there is this blind spot in the perception of Republicans. These issues always seem to be portrayed as men vs women, but honestly I have known as many women in my life with Santorum's views as men. I have certainly been thrashed by just as many women when I espouse more liberal…
Didn't Whoopi's career get hurt a lot by that Ted Danson fiasco? It ended up that she came up with a lot of the stuff he said that people considered racist. Since then she's been in kind of the doldrums, and I guess I always just assumed that the conflict around that whole thing put her on the outs with a lot of…
Thanks so much, I really appreciated that. I hate that people make the assumption that I am somehow in a camp that I am not, and the venom really hurts. This has honestly been very hard for me, and I knew it would be before I even chimed in, but I believe it is very important to educate people about the reality of…
Christian Scientists aren't singled out. EVERYONE is forced to provide medical care for their children, including Christian Scientists. No one group is being told they have to do something that other people don't.