"my wrap career", maybe? "my crap career", in an ironic sort of way? Has to be a typo... please?
"my wrap career", maybe? "my crap career", in an ironic sort of way? Has to be a typo... please?
But the article says she threw the tape away...
Total bunch of hooey in my opinion. Who throws out a sex tape without erasing it first?
Has anyone mentioned on-demand self-love wherever the mood hits ya?
You know that old saying, if you are a hammer then everything you see is a nail? Well... let's just say a lot of archaeologists/anthropologists must be hammers...
17 year old boobs on a 41 year old body is kind of a downgrade, isn't it? Isn't it better to match, than to, say, update one body part and feel the need over time to modify all the rest? The beauty is in the whole package, not just one part.
Combine Disney and Depp and I am betting you'll get the antithesis of Kolchak. Kolchak was kind of like Columbo meets Mulder.
If God is perfect, and omnipotent, and omniscient, then we'd have all we need naturally through the system God designed.
As I said, because there's a difference between having a belief about where someone will go, and performing a ritual without their permission to impose where they'll go.
"I don't see why this is more offensive than ... "
"Lowell, who lives with her two adult brothers and parents, complained in the emails about her family's refusal to adopt a vegan diet and wrote, "I cannot stand living in a house where there are fur products that my family refuses to get rid of."
I refuse to watch any blasphemy against Saint Bob. I will instead go to my own personal collection and watch him commune with small animals and laugh with zen-like peace.
There's an entrenched community of Third Reich fans on Deviantart. The reporting system failed on me so I went to the suggestion forums and suggested one comment with racial slurs be removed and that the groups involved should be reviewed. I got lots of hate from people who said I couldn't define art for other…
The other day I mentioned here that Santorum was playing to particular slices of America in a finely tuned way. I didn't get a very good reaction. I was told he was choosing to jail doctors and not women because he didn't believe women were really human, not, as I had suggested, because women have a lot more votes…
Set up the camera on a tripod as stable as you can, take a picture of the scene with no one in it.
Is that per-session, per-partner, or what? This honestly seems a little low to me. This is the economic class that treats themselves to cars and watches that cost this much. This seems to be saying he can treat himself to a fling occasionally for the same amount he'd drop on a Bentley.
Is the white shirt thing inherently mexican? Recently president Obama didn't keep to the 20 year tradition of wearing traditional garb at the APEC meeting in Hawaii. They were supposed to wear Hawaiian shirts there but he said they weren't going to do it. Perhaps there's a similar tradition with the G20 bunch.
This would make better sense if men were opted out of Victoria's Secret ads and instead saw something like "This gender barrier is preventing you from seeing boobs. How do you like them apples?". In order to feel disenfranchised, I'd think you'd want the target group to really want to see the material.