
And most importantly, you get to be self righteous in comment threads about engagement rings. And who can put a price on that?

Seriously. Hillary was not there, so no picture of her. Why is this news? Oh wait, I’m on Jezebel

.... no, when you write a news story, you try to use photos from the event you are writing about, first and foremost. You only use archive photos if you’re especially hard up, and it would look really bad to do so for a major event like this.

They usually speak on the last day. But look back to when Obama officially became the nominee, and he was there to accept. It was a big to-do. The Dems nailed the ceremony perfectly that time.

I’m right there with you, sister. It would have been really awesome to see a woman get there under different pretenses who held a more family-friendly, less hawkish platform. I love Bernie, but am begrudgingly voting for Clinton because the alternative is just too terrible.

But why say that when you can complain and make allegations of sexism

How dare you try and derail the jezebel narrative that every man is against women 100 per cent of the time?!

I agree, though I think the NY Times really nailed it.

Ehhhhh, I mean all the photos are from the event they’re covering — the nomination — and Hillary Clinton wasn’t there. So kinda hard to get a photo of her. The USA Today one looks terrible.

Bernie pulled the party platform significantly to the left. This was a big accomplishment, and something that means a lot to those of us that support a social-democrat platform over a traditional machine democrat platform. He was tactful and well-spoken tonight, carefully aligning his campaign goals with the new party

Unbeknownst to everyone involved the media blackout has been going on since 1997, unless you have ESPN 8 “The Ocho”

Are you seriously defending the “everyone shut up while I bless you with my voice” karaoke types?

“keeping these is bad but replacing them is hard so lets just keep them” is a position i always like my politicians to have tbh

Kind of? The twit has kept her seat uncontested since the mid 90s and now that she actually has to face an opponent, she whines that people are out to get her.

Not just “kind of”. She does.

She needs to go just for getting in bed with the parasites in the payday-loan industry.

Come off it, no matter what he does, you hate his guts. He can do no right by you.

I thought he backed Canova a long time ago— like in May? Canova has done well with fundraising, but I think it’s tough for him to win given the demographics of DWS’s district. Clinton won that district by over a 2:1 margin.

All 300+ of those onlookers would definitely be more helpful by jumping down there and getting in the way.

too soon