I get ditching PS3/PSP/Vita stuff at this point, but getting rid of the Wishlist straight up sucks and doesn’t make any sense.
I get ditching PS3/PSP/Vita stuff at this point, but getting rid of the Wishlist straight up sucks and doesn’t make any sense.
I need that. Meant to be 77 here tomorrow. No thanks.
I’m eager to see how it all comes together. Peeling the wool back on the nature/cause of the time loop was cool. I feel like I managed to get pretty far on my own, but I am notoriously impatient and definitely looked up a few things in the more recent hours. I regret nothing.
Whoa, you really are just in West Coast Massachusetts. There’s an awesome theater outside of Boston that does the same thing. Though, I suppose lots of theaters do it. Still. Fun!
Rainy from the hurricanes? We’re supposed to get the edge of it up here.
That’s good to hear! I’m towards the end of the Akiyama section and he’s pretty cool. I miss Kiryu-chan though (I know he shows up later).
I got back into Sekiro. I just cleared the Ashina Elite guy, and now I think I’m ready for Lady Butterfly.
Praise the baby Jeebus because last weekend I finally finished Assassin’s Creed III after playing it off and on for almost two years, though I’m probably not going to jump into Rogue next quite yet though.
I should be finishing Trails to Azure today which will finally get me up to speed with everything I really need to know before starting Trails of Cold Steel 3. However, I think I might do a replay of CS 1&2 just to refresh on them (first played them back at the start of quarantine). Other than that, might make some…
I think I’ll be wrapping up The Outer Wilds tonight or tomorrow. It seems like I must be getting close to the end, as the only planets I haven’t been to yet are Dark Bramble and the Quantum Moon.
Hades. I’m pretty addicted to the game. Already beat over ten times and still unlocking and finding new things. Trying to beat the game on the boss extreme conditions pact. I can get to the last stage of the fight but I’m too beat up by that point to win. Great game and so far my favorite game this year.
I’ve been in a real rut and can’t get the desire to play games lately. But I think this weekend I will try to clear out some of my backlog starting with finally trying to beat persona 5. I know I won’t beat it in one weekend but I need to make another attempt at it.
What did they change about hexagone? I haven’t managed to start season 2 yet.
Working on Uncharted 4. This is my second playthrough (first was last December), and this has just solidified that UC4 is one of my favorite games of all time. I know it’s not everyone’s speed but for me personally it is phenomenal. Just so cinematic and polished, and consistently fun to boot.
This weekend belongs to Skyrim. The decision wasn’t mine to make; the birthday boy...er, birthday dragon (his 20th!) decided, like he’s done every year since the game was out. How October 9 got to be a celebration of dragons in my house is a tale from my 20s that I’ve carried with me just because...well, because…
This week, I have only played a couple of games. If you recall last week’s thread, you might recall that I was trying to play World of Tanks and while I could get into the game and was rewarded with a bunch of anniversary stuff but couldn’t get into the actual random battles, which I blamed on my potato laptop. As it…
Working through the Yakuza series, currently on Y4. I have a feeling I’ve already experienced the high points of the series, but it’s still good fun.
I am checking out Unavowed. Not a fan of point and click games but I heard it was good.