Now playing

Normally in this comment space, I’ll talk about the game under discussion if I played it, why it did or didn’t land with me and how the music did or didn’t fit then offer something along the same lines from VG music history.

There’s an artificial female race called Reyvateils, members of which can convert sound into magical power. Each Reyvateil has a special port somewhere on their body where each game’s male protagonist can insert crystals, generally accompanied by lots of moaning and unsubtle innuendo. Think “it’s so big, how will it

For me, the gauntlet is thrown down this week. I have to make like 1500 dollars in 4 days.

This is pretty cool, I’ve not heard of this series before, and this is some definite mid 2000s anime music. For those who have played the games, whats the problematic parts? The wikipedia entries seem to be a bit light.

I’m not sure I should’ve read this one at work! LOL ^^;

There was a point when I came to the realization I was planning life events around when I needed to harvest crops. I was finally able to break free of that and many other similar games and never looked back. I hope the remains of my farm burns to the ground with flash. lol

Yeah, their donuts were bad before I found out they were Trump humpers.

I’m away this weekend and while I have my Switch with me, I doubt I will find much time to play anything. I have plenty of untouched games on there, but I think I’d like to try to make some progress in Baba is You if I get a chance. Got stuck on a level pretty early on and just never went back to it.

I’m looking forward to it. Just wish the whole franchise was playable on PC. I have a PS4 but my PC is better powered.

That’s pretty much what’s happened to me. I bought it at launch but ended up falling off it after around 50 hours. I tried again at Beyond, but the same thing happened, though much quicker. For Origins, I’ve killed my old save and started fresh since I feel like so much has changed since I really devoted a lot of

I finally put Control to rest last night, after getting the last trophy I was missing from my collection (Vending Spree). Gotta say, although I enjoyed playing the main game and both DLC packs through without it, Assist Mode really made checking those last trophies off the list a fun time, for the most part. Vending

Every time I’ve gone to the grocery store to find one or two items, I’ve looked for cider donuts but no luck.

I feel burnt out on Assassin’s Creed Odyssey after 150 hours, finishing the main campaign and the first expansion. Atlantis can wait.

It’s all about Rocket League this weekend. I might play some more Assassins Creed Odyssey Atlantis DLC too. We’ll see.

Working to complete Mario Sunshine this weekend. It’s a great nostalgic trip of a game, but god, it has way more jank than I remembered.

I caved and grabbed Squad, so I’m gonna embarrass myself in that for a while and see how it feels.

Otherwise, Skyrim and probably some other random junk to be named at a later time. I didn’t play any games last night, so now I have to somehow play twice as much tonight. Someone stop the rotation and revolution of the

I’m diving back into No Man’s Sky to explore the new update. I’ll probably spend some time with Going Under as well. Of course, all of these things will hit the back burner when Spelunky 2 arrives on PC next week.

Yakuza 0. My first Yakuza game.

Finally hitting the endgame of Ghost of Tsushima. Really enjoyable all around, surprised how much I liked it.

Ever since the FF16 trailer, I’ve been jonesing for a JRPG so I decided to finally try a Tales game. I’m a few hours into Tales of Berseria, and digging it so far.

But ALSO, Genshin Impact comes out Sunday!