Definitely Super Mario 3D All-Stars. I’ll probably start with Super Mario 64 and try Sunshine next. I loved Galaxy but haven’t played 64 in a while and never played Sunshine.
Definitely Super Mario 3D All-Stars. I’ll probably start with Super Mario 64 and try Sunshine next. I loved Galaxy but haven’t played 64 in a while and never played Sunshine.
For the first time in a long time, I have no idea. I’ve pretty much finished all the games I had and I’m trying to be extra frugal because I have a baby on the way in October. So I might just watch TV or, you know, tackle some basic responsibilities like an average human.
I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 for the past couple weeks. I’m still on chapter 2 since I’ve become preoccupied with getting all of the missable content before I progress.
Right now I’m jumping between another Career run of Battletech (trying the BT Extended overhaul mod), and Kingdoms of Amalur:Re-Reckoning. And a bit of For The King (PS4) with my not-tabletop-gaming-right-now friends.
My friend and I just started Monster Hunter World so we got that going. Besides that more Final Fantasy XIV like always with bits of Carrion and Super Mario 3D All-Stars while I wait for dungeons to start. Also my friend is having a board game night and we may be finally playing Risk: Metal Gear Solid edition.
I randomly started Ori and the Blind Forest on Gamepass last week and I’ve spent all my gaming hours on it since. Just a magical game, and I can’t wait to dive in to Will of the Wisps this weekend.
Nah, keep it up. Gamers(tm) are scum, but for the wider audience it’s worth having the discussion.
Off Topic: How to deal with someone who blatantly lies to your face while you’re literally staring at the email she sent to her bosses—and claims she didn’t—because she forgot to take you off that part of the chain when she sent the next bit on. Fun!
I apparently really have to stop voicing complaints about the rise of gaming prices, lackluster presentations, and transphobic authors if the explosion in notifications yesterday were any indication.
I think once we got into the hd era and MK saw a resurgence I really checked out. As irritable and bitchy as I get, I don’t need to see that kind of viscera.
Agree with Egg Scramble. I had a 5x5x5 game last night and was shocked by how fun it was. If these lower-player games continue, it might not be my pick for worst Fall Guys minigame for much longer.
considering it’s been like 20 years since the last time i’ve played a mortal kombat game I’m just envisioning fortnite with piles of corpses.
Part of it’s that I came of age then, but I do think the early-to-mid PS1 era saw an unprecedented explosion in creative game design that still stands out today. If the early HD era was Japanese game design’s low ebb PS1 was one of its highs.
Running late today due to a combination of too many ridiculous things at work today. I’ve got one co-worker I can’t convince to speak out even though she needs to, another issue I had to escalate to my team lead because there are only so many ways that I can say “no” politely, and just other mundane issues that have…
I work construction in downtown Portland. It’s not fun right now.
The emulation saga continued yesterday, but thankfully its all worked out now. Very glad that I had the day off to mess around with that, and still off today to actually play. I did/do feel like I should be at work though.
It might have just been down to starting position, but I loved the remixed See Saw I got earlier. Splitting everybody into two groups at the very start made it a lot smoother.
Do we know if we’re keeping the current games when S2 drops? It would make the most sense but I’m a little worried everything is getting replaced with the new games.
So no words on the Anti-cheat software they added? We can finally have less, if no more cheaters in the game
Lmao right??