
I remember seeing this on TV when I was a kid and it absolutely scaring the shit out of me. Never looked at Chuck Connors the same way after that.

WTF? I’m both pleased and confused by this post’s existence. When I saw the headline I thought ‘oh, looks like they made another movie called Tourist Trap, ‘cause there’s no way they’re talking about the horror movie’... kind of like how for years when I saw any post about “Neighbors” I briefly wondered if it was the

I was definitely not ready for the weekend to end yet. I went for a stupid long bike ride on Saturday (267km & just over 9 hours moving time), which was really fun. Spent Sunday recovering from that (and eating. So much eating), hung out with my sister & her kids for the afternoon and finished the Control DLC in the

There were times when it clicked and felt great, but yeah. Too much verticality for sure. And I almost always felt underpowered through the entire game. Game changers like the BFG and the Crucible Sword, or whatever it’s called, came along at times when they were already basically obsolete. It never feels like, “Oh

It’s annoying, because the bulk of the game really is fun! It just fucking DRAGS by the end of it. And then ending on a cliffhanger for the sequel, with almost everything I’ve done nullified by said cliffhanger, is atrocious fucking writing. It’s really just a shame

Wow, are you saying that this is part of an active monitoring report? I hope that its only been things like sign in and permissions violations rather than something like efficiency.

Yesterday was.....difficult. It’s back to work though. While I haven’t had much appetite for scripted tv shows lately, I’m still not sure how I feel about police-related media. Even for something like Brooklyn 99, which I love. 

Interesting day at work so far.  We had a fast-tracked procedural change that went live this week, pushed as per the department head.  The patch went live and I’ve spent this morning drafting new things around it, and getting one of our folks (who’d been on vacation during the entire process) on board.  Funny thing


Well, I did it. I finished Doom Eternal. I had significantly more of the game left than I thought. Probably about seven hours yesterday went to getting to the end. Also, does it even count? Because, I’m ashamed to say, I used the Sentinel Armor on the last phase of the final boss. It was coming up on 1am. I was

I missed the comic book topic yesterday, so I wanted to address that today. I recently got into comics with a lot of extra reading time on my hands and I have been thoroughly enjoying them so far. I just read the first volume The Immortal Hulk and it’s pretty good. The beginning starts almost as a cautionary tale

Just looking at the thumbnail on the front page, I thought this was some of de-aged Cary Elwes.

So, I’m maybe 50% of the way through THPS1+2. I woke up Saturday morning to knock out the Marseilles gold medal before hitting the pool and betting on the ponies. I’d be playing more today if I wasn’t going golfing.

Well, I’ve got nothing till boxing at 6:30 and after barely playing games all weekend, I’m committed to finishing Doom Eternal today. I haven’t looked up exactly how far through it I am, but I know I’m far and that a commitment of a few solid hours should get me there.

Rip and super shotgun to the face, which might

Weird. That video, oddly enough, got The Sneak stuck in my head.

About to go study bc while I worked ahead to be able to slack off for the past two weeks, it’s a new week and all that. Spent my weekend on Hades and Grand Theft Auto V.

I’ve aggressively guarded every moment of this weekend. Today was the first since 4 July that I didn’t have to get up at 0400, shower, and go somewhere.  (Also learned that without an alarm, I didn’t wake up until 0439, which means I need to keep it and its backup.)  Threw an article onto kinja and hope to spend the

The first thing I did when I woke up was check the Bay Area news.

An off-day on my day off. I definitely need the time off, but I am not certain on how to spend it.

Ughhhhh Downhill Jam reignited my rage that i had COMPLETELY forgotten existed about Downhill Jam. That and the Venice Beach transfers. Right now I’m still trying to Madonna the Hazardous Gap and get the secret tape.