
It’s very much a YMMV situation, at least in Pennsylvania. Everywhere around me that does drive thru takes cash, some stick the card reader out so you can insert your card and some take the card itself in gloved or ungloved hands (and those that wear gloves sure aren’t changing them for each customer) but nearly

I also usually do a few gran fondos or organized century rides every summer. They’re good for motivation, fun and give me enough of the flavor of racing without actually, y’know, racing. I only really care about beating my own prior times, so there’s no real pressure. I would race, but it seems too dangerous. Those

Yes, drive through and delivery are both safe options as long as some precautions are taken care of on both ends. (Per the CDC and FDA)

Right? Regular paprika is fine but holy shit the smoked stuff is amazeballs.

*Most* drive-thru places are safe, if they’re taking necessary precautions (i.e. they never personally handle your debit card, don’t take cash, and hand you your food from a distance like on a serving tray or in a bin).

I commute by bike 2-4 times per week and try to go for longer rides on the way home at least a couple of those days, then I do longer rides on the weekend. So mostly “fun” rides, as long as you consider riding up mountains fun (I do for some reason). I’ve never raced, but the past few years I’ve been training like a

We have one of those game-themed restaurants here. We’ve tried to go a couple of times but they’re always packed. Looks cool though. I’ve heard good things about the food & drinks. God, remember eating out? That was fun.

We’ve been doing Hello Fresh for a few months now. Originally, the idea was to get some recipes that we might use to expand our vegetarian options (my GF is trying to be mostly veggie. I don’t care much, but eating less meat is probably healthy so...), but we are both pretty busy so I think we’re just going to stick

I recently was told by my doctor that I have remarkably high cholesterol for a 30 year old. Seems like my decade or so of pseudo-keto eating has been detrimental. So now I’m pumping the breaks and going more mediterranean, which is more inline with what my ancestors ate. I like green salads with olive oil and grilled

You’re on a roll! Was the first one that last game the other night?

We order pickup or delivery once or twice a week and make every other meal at home. It has been nice in some ways. I went from eating out for lunch and breakfast five days a week to not doing that at all. That’s ten fast food/fast casual meals I’m not eating each week. I dropped twenty pounds fast. Kind of alarming

Due to the still extant blue laws here in CO, we have a vibrant brewery/food truck scene that is still able to survive reasonably well on takeout beer and food orders. Just drive up, order your stuff, and sit in the car or keep your distance til it’s ready. Since we have a toddler, that’s pretty much been the flow of

Weirdly, my hunger’s changed. I used to eat an obscene amount, now it’s slowed to one small meal, one slightly bigger meal and maybe a small snack now and again. handful of chips or nuts, etc. But, footnote, that sandwich looks gross. 

You had me at “local gaming-themed eatery,” but lost me at...nothing. You had me the whole way through. I know this pain very well. In May I was under quarantine due to my wife having a positive COVID test, and seemingly every time I went online Wendy’s was advertising that breakfast bacon sandwich they have. Could I

Had to go into the office today, so boo to that. At least I can get Taco Bell for lunch

Oh man, nothing nearly that good as those pictures, but I made up some beet/bean burgers with a pack of spiralized beets that I bought at... some point.. for... some reason, and they turned out surprisingly edible. Did not want to hold together super well, but that just means they crumble better if we want to use them

Does anyone know how the payment/reimbursement process works for games on the PS+ free menu?  I hope those guys are getting a nice, giant stack of cash for this because it's well deserved.

My PS+ lapsed a few months ago and I’d been sitting on a code I bought on sale. Fall Guys was the reason I redeemed it.

I think you mean Egg Scramble...

There’s an episode of Freaks and Geeks about you. You’re Martin Starr.