
Sweet toys, Fahey! I mostly stick to the occasional lego sets, though I think in one of the storage boxes upstairs I have my 1985 Jetfire figure, along with some of the plastic accessories still. By far the coolest and sturdiest toy I’ve owned, and I played the hell out of it as a kid, constantly transforming it. I


Ah, yikes. But having that objective, applies-to-everyone guideline on your side is good. Fingers crossed it gets resolved positively!

What flavor(s) of throwback? I’ve had a thought for a while that not every new game needs to push systems to the limit, and that using all that power to make throwback games that are bigger and more complex than they were able to be back in the day is a great design philosophy. 

Jeez, that's no fun. Is he deliberately trying to provoke a response? Or just that oblivious? Good for you for reporting him. Not easy to do.

Oof, that’s rough. Thankfully, ours haven’t gotten that bad, and a thundershirt seems to take enough of the edge off that he calm down a little faster during the quieter periods.

I do miss Riley but that has nothing to do with being happy for a visit from you, Mister Fahey! Always glad to see you!

Yeah, I know plenty of those dudes, too. 

It’s always a mix of consistency and utter inconsistency, but always in familiar ways. There are big pluses to each ones, but always something that doesn’t work as well or isn’t great. Yet I still end up in love with each game somehow. 

I waited until this long weekend to start Yakuza 6, and I’m so glad I did. It’s tough not to play any Yakuza game in short sessions, and this is definitely no exception. Even before I was out of the prologue I had already laughed and had warm fuzzies from all the plot set up. Then I land in Kamurocho and accidentally

I know some dudes that will rabidly pursue one of these, and then never open the box. Which is depressing to me. 

Melon desserts are awesome and I’m a big fan of any I find at Japanese/SE Asian markets. Fingers crossed for good ice cream results! 

I’m going with a Guilty Gear nomenclature: I am currently 39Xrd Rev 2 Ascending Plus: Fierce 

We have a thundershirt which helps some with the scared dog. Doesn't fully prevent the anxiety but seems to lessen the duration. We let him curl up back in the bathroom and turn the loud ventilation fan on to mask the firework sounds. Had to start that routine last night since the booms and pops were at a regular

I hit that mark back in April, so you’re not alone! But happy birthday!

We’ve definitely noticed the fireworks going off around the neighborhood since one dog gets super scared and curls up and trembles, and the other dog then stays alert and nervous guarding the scared dog. On the 4th I’m usually staying up until all hours looking after them, so despite also being horrendously dumb with

Will it be a real time documentary?

Oh, wow, yes please!

I *do* envy your second floor office. Sixth floor at my regular work, so stairs are an invitation for inhalation. Definitely going to give myself extra time that day. 

This is a great heads up! I will definitely ask for details before I go.