I genuinely appreciate it.
I genuinely appreciate it.
I was trying for a chill morning but my clumsiness helped me spice it up a bit with spilled used coffee grounds and a small steam blister, all before getting to enjoy said coffee. I definitely relate to getting spun up from news and too much thinking and then having small things tip me over. Though from these posts it…
Happy birthday! Welcome to 39. I’m exiting 39 on the 27th of this month. Definitely going to take a mulligan on celebrating 40, though. I hear 41 is the new 40 anyway.
I also was jostled out of Christianity by that book confirming beliefs I'd had as a teenager, back in 94. I need to reread the Tao Te Ching one of these days to see what my older brain picks up on. One thing that has always stuck with me is to be the blade of grass in the windstorm instead of the toppled mighty tree.
I was about to try to write paragraphs of supposedly deep thoughts learned, but I haven't had any caffeine yet so that would be foolish. So, just this: making smart decisions matters. A. Lot.
That is absolutely rough. I know it’s a small part of the above, but the seasonal allergies tripping the covid anxiety alarm is just grating for me as well. Can you just spring a little less, Spring?
New in that almost all the Y5 mini games are same as ever—Mah Jong, casino games, batting cages, etc. The characters all have side missions which are kind of new, like car racing and hunting (which, the hunting part is great!), but there’s nothing like the cabaret management in Y0 and while the chicken racing is kind…
Such good news.
No video chats, but my wife and I try to reach out to our extrovert friends weekly to give them some social time. We had a work team video chat where people had pets and kids on their screens as well which was fun. I’m surprising myself by not feeling interested in group virtual activities—I tend to feel overwhelmed…
C’mon, Cloud! Were you cloned in a barn?!
100% agree
The Tetris Effect event today is in the Relax category, which is always time well spent doing a few quick plays to get SS rankings and a level up. Plus, it’s always a guaranteed event avatar, unlike Classic...
I’ve really enjoyed it. I loved Y3 for the Orphanage side of Kiryu, and how much that means to his character. Y5 has more of an emotional connection to that part of Y3 in its story, and goes big into the macho drama of the characters in great way. Also, I really like rhythm games so I really enjoyed the Haruka…
The boys are back in town! By “the boys” I mean all four male protagonists of Yakuza 5, and by “town” I mean Kamurocho. Having maxed out Haruka and guided her to beat Noa Amon in her optional secret boss battle, I’ve finally reached the final chapter of the game! Which probably means another twenty hours of wrapping…
We have a couple routes we’ve been taking our dogs out for walks on, and it covers a few different neighborhoods. Definitely more people out for walks than I usually see, and lots of yard and house projects going on. Also more roving small groups of older kids and teens. Playground shut downs haven’t quite taken root,…
Perfect! Ours were like:
It’s an amazing March week for the NW. Though I suppose I should mow the lawn at some point.
I am with you on all this!
Seriously! How did I get so lucky? I wish that moment and many other blessings on all of you!
I was wiped out after walking the dogs yesterday, and my brain wouldn't settle on something to do after dinner, so I took a nap next to a dog and when I woke up my wife had a warm chocolate chip cookie right there and everything was better for the rest of the evening.