
I come from a long line of beer money sign men. My uncle was a beer money sign man. My uncle’s uncle was a beer money sign man. My uncle’s uncle’s uncle was a beer money sign man. My uncle’s uncle’s uncle’s uncle was a beer money sign man, and so was his bastard nephew twice removed. My uncle’s uncle’s uncle’s uncle

Only tangentially related, but: go to hell, Andy Bogard.

They probably didn't study the tape on him. Anyone who's seen Silent Movie knows he has a real motor and is relentless in his pursuit, but is easily stymied by his lack of spatial awareness, overeager nature, and Paul Newman. 

Deadly Premonition: Arby's 

I would totally be interested in a “Professor Sprinkles: Doggie Doctoral Defender” series if a good studio could get the license. 

I’m so sorry to hear that. My wife and I lost four old pets in the last couple of years, and I’m very grateful for the mobile vet service we were able to use on one of my cats—it was much better, more peaceful than the panicked visits to the vet ER that turned into unexpected goodbyes (though I very much appreciate

Dooooo iiiiiit! I’m getting blown up all the time by other players or just running into things, but I'm having fun with it!

Yeah, the ability to control the team members would alleviate a lot of irritation, but it wasn't as bad as I expected. The full environment exploration was fun, for the sake of full immersion, especially with the good soundtrack. But I'd definitely recommend P3P over FES at this point. 

Sweet! I will dive back in and try to make it work!

That good Persona grind... I should get back to bloodstained, but there's just something about it that hasn't drawn me in. I never quite feel like I know which direction to head and then I get caught up in the side quest grind and forget about the main game and then kinda lose steam. 

Today, we are all Patriots fansppffffHAHAHAHAHA sorry I couldn’t stick the landing on that one. I hope they get pantsed by the Jets nowpfffffHAHAHAHAHAHAHA shit, can’t keep my face straight there either. 

It was just on sale on the psn store for $7.50, so I’m sure it’ll be discounted again soon. 

It is! I'm really looking forward to it after all I've heard. I started it up last weekend and ran the gauntlet until I got under one minute, but didn't have time to properly start, and I want to give it my full attention. 

Very Picard Voice: Belay that climber!

I love All Dressed Ruffles chips.

Maybe if we tell them that climate change is going to make their ratings go way, way down they'll want to do something about it. 

I’m not sure how much it’s a gaming ritual (and certainly not as good as the one in the podcast), but I’ve been playing as the Tokyo Ninjas in the Neo Geo version of Baseball Stars 2 for so long that I know the players too well. I know batter 3, Jubei, is Likes To Fight guy, so any time a pitcher beans him I’m

Well, who’s going to actually stop him? Who out there is going to bring consequences?

Also accurate! It’s easy to not pay any money if you know how tne game economy (and champ farming) works, and that roster slots are more valuable for a long time than new cover packs are. Once someone gets a good roster, it gets much more fun. I just don’t think a lot of casual players would have the patience or find

Totally accurate. There are some useful three star characters, in conjunction with the four stars, but it’s such a not fun grind to even get to that point that there’s no way they’re attracting new players. The entire routine of the game and the focus of the updates at this point is built around keeping the big