
I don’t think I’ve ever met a dog that didn’t have a tennis ball. Seems like we’d have seen a number of pet mortalities by this point if this was really a concern.

That’s how it illuminates when charging

Wasn’t the Pfizer vaccine not one of the candidates in Operation Warp Speed though? From my understanding we were dumping a ton of money into various vaccine candidates already (like Moderna).

most incompetent, but sadly probably one with the most long-lasting impact for a measly single term. :(

Im not going to argue with you, I will just point out one thing. Contact tracing apps have 0 effect on disease spread, all they do is keep track of who you might have exposed (after exposure has taken place). The mask on the other hand has a greater than 0 chance to potentially block some of the virus particles that

Here’s some good places to start:

Ronnie sucks.  Ronnie’s family sucks.  Ronnie’s “friends” (nobody actually likes Ronnie) suck.  Don’t be like Ronnie.

Wear a mask you fucking clown. I’m surprised a science denier even knows what an app is. Go actually read some scientific literature you imbecile.

God only knows, but he’ll never outgrow the trauma of having Dump for a father.

Personal trainer/sperm donor....aren’t they the same people?

With any luck, he gets his height from his mom’s former personal trainer.

You are not there to be their buddy, you are there to raise an adult.

This is some “viral” ass parenting bullshit methodology to make himself look good on tik tok.

“Back in my day!”

God, it’s incredible how little empathy and regard for their kids people have.
When you do that with online games, your kid is effectively bailing on his friends. Pull that shit too often and your inconsiderate ass will cause your kid to lose his god damn friends because you couldn’t give a shit about your kid passtime.

I doubt it’s correct to stop what you’re child’s interests or hobbies are so they can do something for you but you do you I guess..

You clearly have no respect for your children 😂

idk man, if my parents were like that, I’d have been the kid that peace’d out the second I turned 18 and never visited them again. But I don’t think I’d have turned into an inconsiderate asshole after living my entire life with one as a dad.

Video games aren't passive activities. Comparing it to TV is unfair. Sports might seem like a stretch, but think about it maybe like a card game if that helps. Let them finish the round of Uno rather than ubruptly ending the game. 

Well du, if we hadn’t filed all those death certificates, those people would still be alive!