
He just might be a killer of Warriors!

He read the instructions as “requires an engorged human driver”

Few people except those who quickly purchase the SE when it shows up in the Apple refurb store. Granted I have no idea of quantity apple makes available, but it sure gets alot of mentions “to buy quick while you can” from every tme they show up

Sad to see the effects of the drinking all that lead water. 

Where do people go from age 16 to 96 without getting restested? In Il that is not the case, my mom (67 yo) just had to go to DMV and pass a written, eye and driving test. Not court-mandated or anything like that, her license was expiring and she had to go in to pass all these to keep a valid DL. 

How was he allowed to have a mounted gopro on a coaster ride? I thought those kind of things were not allowed because if it is dropped, thats a dangerous item to collide with fast moving mass of people.

The only people I know that drink diet sodas are people that are trying to lose weight.

And so are the ones actually in the match!

You may want to read his entire comment before judging...

That’s regular vs scrambled brains. 

If you save you CC#’s in your G profile, you will not enter each time,you  only have to verify 3 digit security code when ordering

Depending on the Judge, he may also get an “atta boy”

Great explanations. Thank you! (And hello from Mundelein!)

“She says she was paid about $600 of child support in quarters”

Now playing

Did you happen to see that 360 “statue of liberty” from Khawi the other day? I’ve watched it a few times and it seems like he walked, but not certain how many steps should be counted after he picks up the dribble. (its like 1:05 in). What do you think?

James Harden could learn about defense from this ref!

May not know where they are going to play, but we know what they won’t play, and that is professional-quality football.

Mushroom in a box.....

Keyrock, is that you? 

He did say , “it’s on me”. So that counts for .......nothing.