
If this was Russia, they would have dropped this unguided pod into a civilian area and killed 27 people.

After all of Chrysler’s history with Mitsubishi, why isn’t Sergio chasing them?


More like Whitey’s Tire and Auto

You can get herpes for free but that doesn’t make it a good deal.

Its not that it lacks a grill that makes it odd, its that it so prominently displays its lack of grill. As others have suggested, just retreat the front for some detail or shape. Right now it looks like a model kit where a sticker of a grill should be applied after painting.

I don’t know about 13-year-olds and Ferraris, but I did see one where a 69-year-old nylon-tufted pumpkin tried to pass himself off as a presidential candidate!

Conservatives think progressives are wrong. Progressives think conservatives are wrong. And evil.

or anything to do with the F-35.

Obligatory FA post!

Worst forum shit storm ever seen? Easy. Go to any thread on Gawker or Jezebel, make a comment where you might appear to not be a left wing liberal nut job. You could tell them the sky is blue. However, if they even THINK you are a Republican (even if thats not the case), not only is the sky NOT blue, but you are an

We prefer being manual journalists most of the time.


I’m disappointed that you find this all-but-overt declaration of war by Australia “Entertaining"

I don’t disagree with you that our service men and women do not get the recognition they deserve for their sacrifices. I just don’t think that this police procession could really be considered “politics” or “scare tactics”, it’s just a case of a small community losing one of their own in a senseless act of violence. I

Does anyone else see the resemblance to the C4?

Perfect timing, since Sergio has killed the Dart.

We bought a house in 2011, our first house. Having a house meant lots of trips to Lowe’s and to the dump, and to garden stores, and all other sorts of places. I had a 2011 Mustang GT and my wife had a 3 series, neither of which are conducive to moving things. Borrowing trucks was getting old.

I wrote a story for a Reddit post on this:

Need I go on?