...Because it’s a silver coupe? Really?
...Because it’s a silver coupe? Really?
Hahaha. Now now. Wyoming is a beautiful place with wonderful people and a very excited cowboy on the license plate.
Assailing Hyundai reliability?! Have we been transported to 1997?!
The Monte Carlo’s window buttons were probably broken
This fact does not Czech out.
You’re correct, As a country, The USA is going from the standard of the world to the laughing stock of the world.
Here’s the thing about the chemtrails conspiracy theory that really, really bothers me:
An apology letter from Obama would’ve been sent to Putin.
Might want to read the first line of the article?
The ultimate question this: “Could Aston’s image survive being built by a bunch of fat, oafish, lazy rednecks in the rural heartland or should they move the factory to Alabama instead?”
“In general most people seem completely unaware that other human beings with needs and wants exist and they get confused and angry when you point that out.” This jumped right out at me. It’s the best expression of the selfish emotional state that many poorly adjusted adults enter when told “no” that I have ever read.…