
Agreed, hats off for a truly epic journey of an article. Even though I hadn’t heard well over half the list as a former fan who just couldn’t any more, it was great to read about them.

The larger screen magically re-wrote the awful plot and ridiculously stupid ending?

They have had several billion dollars of revenue to hire a person or two since Ingress.

Yeah, it would have be painful to see that on a big screen, let alone pay for the privilege.

Halo 5's Forge was released later, may have happened with 4 and Reach as well. Ican’t remember.

I found the bots were better in my earlier matches, but fell by the wayside as muscle memory for Halo’s gameplay style took over. When I was able to shake off years of Destiny and MW, I did better in the tech preview.

but why play such a bummer of a song over the closing credits of an otherwise really fun movie?”

The ending of the movie is the women years later (well the ones who survived) reminiscing about a league that was cut down just as the players were getting it all together. Not exactly a happy moment.

“Za” should only be used in Scrabble. Preferably in forming three two letter words on a triple word score if possible.

Was just about to post that.

Thanks. It must have been the sprinting factor. I was just surprised that i was dropping from the bots after one hit to the face and full shields.

I felt the BR was a bit weak. To me it seemed like you needed one more trigger pull than you think to drop someone and by that time they were usually gone.

I had no luck with the new shotgun.

I was in a fantasy baseball league with Kois at the time he landed this big deal. He talked about it in the group emails, but said he couldn’t reveal any details. The league was started by a friend of Kois’s who did improv and many of the owners were also improv folks so the league was themed around comic fictional

I remember Bill Murray making up and singing lyrics to the theme music. I think it was int he Kilborn era.

“Why won’t you watch it is the Daily Show...” or something.

I also remember Kilborn and Matthew Perry getting in an asshole-off. Perry didn’t want to be there and Kilborn was trying to give anything. Kilborn

Yup, let me pop in my original copy of Destiny 2 and.... basically use it as a password to download an entirely different game literally taking place on different planets.

Also in Canada you don’t need a prescription. Initial screenings, tests and re-ups of the prescription all add on to the cost of insulin in the U.S. where the doctor has a convenient charge for most if not all of that.

fwiw Mccain’s is a Canadian company.

It’s amazing how Niantic seems to clown their way into billions of revenue each year.

the attention and coverage it gets is also hate-worthy

thanks. I must have missed that in the original intro text.

Why would you run this piece before Levar Burton hosts?