
I grew up 20 minutes away from Action Park. Many of the water attractions were fed by natural springs, meaning the water was just the most mind-numbing cold you can fathom.

I vividly recall one ride which was an underground water slide that was essentially pitch black so you couldn’t really anticipate the next bend.

FWIW, the show was run by a woman for the more than half of its tenure.

Wasn’t that the plot of Bad Words?

And how much time do you spend sterilizing that virus storage bubble between seatings?

I played as much as I could when shadowkeep released, and couldn’t get near level 100. I just didn’t have the time to turn over to a video game, and I had been a very loyal Destiny player. Started on Day 1 of Destiny 1 and played long past the point that every one of my friends quit and my clan became a population of

I remember that, from the dial up BBS days.

Every time the word “influencer” is used in a headline, a douchebag somewhere gets a set of wings, and a new instagram filter.

Yup, I was super dedicated to doing all the season activities.... till i wasn’t. Think I tagged out right before the sunset of dawn or whatever it was called over the summer, when the Tribute Hall event came out.

I will always be partial to the 2013 era page. I know it is a place in time that no site is going back to thanks to tablets and phones, but the density of content vs white space, made things seem important, like you could spend all day updating yourself. I reckon there is the same amount of content now, just buried

bread shouldn’t smell like that. how do you fuck up the smell of fresh baked bread?

Not volume, he’s collecting user data to sell for profit. If franchises go under, so be it. They don’t care - as said earlier they oversaturated anyway.

you have won the internet for the day

I think I am just going to accept that this is a bad show, and not a bad in a good way type of bad.

“The writing this season has been pretty weak. Many things happen because the plot requires them. That was always a problem, but has gotten worse.”

Even worse, the characters motivation, personalities, and well character, are determined by what the plot needs.

This is a show desperately in need of some nuance. 

True story, I made a Spotify playlist back in December with 29 different versions of Last Christmas I enjoyed after listening to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of available ones.

Nobody knows why.

I hate having to sit inches from the tv to read the screen in No Man’s Sky.

I heard the ending was Rey about to be killed by the emperor, right before Vad.. I mean Kylo picks him up and throws Palpatine in a very big hole.

I too have been unable to shake that thought.

I too have been unable to shake that thought.

Though it is an abandoned concept album, I have always had an affection towards “Wax Ecstatic” by Sponge.