
I have seen what taking his time produces: a meandering story that moves laterally and barely held on to this audience member by bloating up with dozens of characters and plot points that I simply had no interest in. He would've been better off sticking to his planned trilogy.

Have still come here every day, but have found I am reading a lot less, like barely anything beyond the news wire. No reviews, hardly any features. Basically I think I was more of an impulse reader and this format is not setting off those triggers. I think my brain is just trained to filter out little photos -

While we were debating this, Davies penned nine more cast reunion four-part season finales.

Looks like someone made a Tumblr out of the AV Club. I used to read stories based on headlines and summaries, now I have to decide if that thumbnail is something of interest to read. It will cut down on the content I consume here.