
Yeah, I can see that. I’m not as hardcore, I’ve never been to the lighthouse and don’t have a single piece of trials gear. CoE is absolutely nothing more than a pleasant way to grind (if you like PvE). Really what I love about the update is the RNG fix and the 1:1 infusion, allows more casual people to actually grind,

Well challenge of elders is a great, fun way to grind levels, but the real update is that now items drop consistently just a couple levels above your LL. So by playing CoE, NF, and KF HM weekly you’re going to average ~ 1 LL per week, which the perfect pace (obviously this might slow down the closer you get to 335).

So I’ve had a journey with this game. I played Y1, maxed my level, but stopped playing right as VoG came out. I couldn’t find a group to play with, and the content I could do alone or matchmake just wasn’t doing it for me (still have never played VoG or Crota!). I decided to turn the game back on like a month before

Serious question, what percentage of your play time would have to be marred by cheaters for it to really ruin the game for you?

Jason I very much admire that you engage with gaming trolls, who are scientifically proven to be the worst trolls.

Ok colin, k

Yes you fucking weirdo.

Looks horrible. Almost as though the story was designed for a videogame and wont’ translate to film. Weird.

So you’re not buying the game then?

I get that but this is kind of a dick move.

Lol what are you talking about.

You’re so stupid.

K let me revise that to “out of high school.” Once you go to college your shenanigans are fair game. Also if you actually do something bad. Who’s the arbiter of that? Fuck off, that’s who.

Of course, now his name will be googleable as “dong teen” forever.

Gamers are entitled, whiny, and petulant. Can’t cope with the loss of $60 should the game not satisfy your every desire? Don’t fucking buy new games you irresponsible asshat.

TBH I’m very excited to play a narrative, cinematic, scripted game. I’m getting sandbox fatigue. Most are underwhelming and end up being more work than fun, after the initial “this is new” sheen wears off.

The classiest response: