Yup. I basically turn into a (sober, not crying version of) Dorinda:
Yup. I basically turn into a (sober, not crying version of) Dorinda:
You know it. With both gusto and discretion, your audience will be entertained without NBC Universal or Comcast Inc ever having any fear of civil litigation. If forty+ years in Hollywood have given me an abundance of anecdotes and history, they'd have taught me nothing if not when to be vague.
Hey, NBC, rather than paying Megyn Kelly $30 million to not work, I will gladly work for just 1/10 of that - and I’ll give you every bit of your $3 million worth - a reliably inoffensive but entertaining hour of morning tv fluff. “Today Live! with Jerry-Netherland.”
Plus what about the victims? They’re someone’s daughters. My dad, my bffs dad and friends that are dads have broke down when they found out there daughters were assaulted and had someone expose themselves to them. They’re twisted with guilt for not being able to protect them.
I think considering the movie he made with Grace-Moretz, he might well have been thinking about his daughters.
Not just one daughter, but two daughters. There’s clearly a bonus multiplier for extra daughters when using them as a shield against sexual harassment claims. If he’d had thirty-seven daughters, we’d all have to apologize to him.
Well...it should be asked of Janeane if she was there. If not, then zip it. Or, how would she feel if a male had whipped his dick out in front of her. By her standard, we would have to question the source—her.
Whipping his dick out was bad enough, but he also actively tried to ruin the careers of those women and anyone who tried to report on it as well. People don’t talk about that enough. Like so much fucking hand-wringing over a guy’s “ruined reputation” and literally nothing about the reps of all the women he crushed…
As she so often does, I think Roxane Gay has a really great take. Hopefully Garofalo will take some time to take the criticism on, reflect, and learn.
Well, he obviously wasn’t thinking about his daughters (Dear God, I hope not) when he was waggling his sad little manstalk at women who were not into it, so I don’t see why it’s our damn job now.
Yup. The “think of their kids” argument is fucking stupid. People say the same thing about spouses. And that’s precisely why these guys think all they gotta do to get back in people’s good graces is stay out of the spotlight for a year. They’re like, now I can come back scot-free! They’re only thinking about…
She also dragged out the “he’s my friend” and “question the source”, despite the fact questioning the source(s) is an idiotic statement because he admitted he did what everyone said he did.
A good way for comedians to be left alone is to not have your manager book gigs at comedy clubs. It works; ask Dave Chapelle. It is also entirely possible to criticize C.K. while being his friend. You are not being disloyal by pointing out, when asked, that a good friend fucked up/is a fuck-up.
I hate the “think about their children” defense. Um, shouldn’t Louis CK/etc. be the ones thinking about their children when they do shit like this that’ll inevitably come out in public?
Look, I get standing up for a friend. But compare this to what Marc Maron said about C.K., also longtime friends. He had asked C.K. privately about the (at the time) rumors and Louis said they weren’t true. When C.K. admitted to the behavior, Maron said on the podcast that Louis had straight up lied to him and fuck…
...if nothing else, care about his daughters. If nothing else, if you can find no compassion for him, which I think you should, think about how his daughters, who hear all of this stuff, feel.
She’s really using the “He has daughters!” excuse? And tossing in “I’ve known him forever!” and “You weren’t there!”
“I think Louis C.K., leave Louis C.K. alone,”
Your body doesn’t hang on to fat for a rainy day. It’s burning fat all the time, including right now while you’re reading this on the toilet and not exercising at all.
A lot of these are solid, but some of the words people want replaced literally have different meanings than the ones they want them replaced with.