
How is not wanting kids a maturity thing? There are plenty of mature people who don’t want kids. Unless she sprung it on Leonard after the wedding (I don’t watch the show), then he knew what he was getting into and needs to respect it, and if they *didn’t* talk kids pre-wedding, then they’re both stupid.

That’s the thing, though: this show doesn’t portray much that their super-mainstream audience wouldn’t recognize. So, it’s all things like Star Wars (one of the most popular movies in history), Star Trek (nerdier, but still very popular), D&D (increasingly mainstream), etc. Their entire joke premise is “HERE IS A NERD

I wish I’d done this as appetite control post-pregnancy. To be clear: not to keep me from eating at all, but because, when nursing, I got unreasonably HUNGRY and actually gained weight despite calories burned because I couldn’t stop eating. I’d like to just eat a snack with each nursing, not a whole meal’s worth of

I made my sister’s wedding dress, and I actually had her wear a corset for the ceremony because it kept her standing UPRIGHT which she sometimes has trouble with. It worked perfectly!

Here’s how you do it, y’all:

Here’s my big trick: Each month, have one very specific goal. Then, have one weekend a month specifically set up to prepare you to meet that goal. Spend the rest of the month trying to make that thing a habit.

I think that was his Seinfeld-era girlfriend. His wife was just (fairly recently) married to someone else when he met her, I believe. 

This is kinda like how Louis CK *also said that Asian men don’t have dicks* in his recent set that pissed everyone off, yet almost nobody is talking about that. Like, the article that specifically mentioned in the headline still spent more time talking about the Parkland stuff.

YUP. That’s one of the super frustrating things about IP people; they only include the actual in-the-pot time, which if you’re doing a lot of chopping or something, fine, but it’s not true for rice etc.

Yeah, my husband and I got the Instant Pot on Prime Day, and we just dug out the cheap rice cooker again, because it does rice better/easier. IP is good for shredded chicken, though! That’s about all we got so far...

My husband was dead set on Finn if our kid turned out to be a boy. Adventure Time has left its mark. 

You’re in the worst of it at 1. Wait a year, and your kid will probably be able to sit still for the duration of the meal! And then a few more and they’ll be eligible for not-just-casual places!

YUP. As a parent, I’d love to have my favorite place be open to my kid for a lunch, OR available for date night where I get a break from kids. 

I love kids (I have one and teach them) but I think the bar’s policy is an excellent compromise to let kids in for a period of the day, then have adult time in the evening. 

Eh, there are a TON of pub-style places New England that are pretty much *the* kid-friendly places to eat. I think it depends on the type of bar.

I’m a parent of a toddler, and I gotta say, I think that this is a super good compromise. Why?

Better Off Ted was a smart show that aimed its humor at mega-corporations.

Just started watching, and I totally agree that he needs to step it up. HOWEVER, I’m the messy one in my relationship with a toddler, and a lot of their arguments sounded familiar, even though my husband is awesome and does more than his share of work around the house. It’s just hard being people with two different

I’m not a fan of the “SHARE EVERYTHING!” idea either, though.

Googled it. He’s definitely done his teeth and he’s above-ordinary-for-guys groomed (esp in the eyebrows) but that is a STRANGE picture.