
What a maneuver!

Episode 1: Doogie starts work at the hospital, discovers it doesn’t have enough PPE for the staff. She’s forced to re-use an n95 mask, intended for single use, for a week straight and works 20 hour shifts tending to unvaccinated Covid patients.

I’m also obligated to point out that language evolves and that the “demands that you ask the obvious question” usage has long since supplanted “assumes the conclusion” as the most common usage.

I might be Poe’s Law-ing this but also for the benefit of people who genuinely wouldn’t know this (not everyone has an interest in that show!), that was a different Michael Richards.

But this one... is the moral really “that’s what you get, you introvert piece of shit!” Like, dude just wanted to hang out and not be bothered. That lead to him SURVIVING THE APOCALYPSE but still he’s the asshole?

Boy they are just pouring hot coffee on people now.

Hey, Kotaku. I’ve been in the video game industry for 12 years and have been following your blog as my favorite video game news source since, I believe, before that. I love what you do and think your voice is very important. You advocate for progressive ideals, call out things that others won’t, and generally say what

I’d beg anyone to do better . Smash Ultimate is already the largest roster, and arguably accomplishment, in all of fighting games. I get that it sucks when you see so many characters added in, but not the on you’re fighting for, but it’s not possible to add everything.  Just enjoy what’s there.

I’m sorry, but you have to be extremely ignorant and lack common sense if you think it’s okay to hold a sign like that out in front of the race like that.

I’m not sure she needs to be sued, but she should at least pay a hefty fine for it.

you can’t sue people for being people

...but you can’t sue people for being people.

Publicity stunt. The show will suddenly reappear with no explanation five years from now.

Liberal: I believe in tolerance and holding space for multiple viewpoints.
Also Liberal: If you are pro-life you are stupid.

I really like this series and I've missed it lately, so sounds good to me. I look forward to playing it as an old man which is when I assume I'll find a PS5.

Funny thing, when I go to my neighborhood swimming pool the girls dont approach me and ask if I want them to twerk in my face for 500 bits

I mean, do you typically go to your local pool or the beach and see fifty guys sitting next to a woman in a bikini giving her money to sit there for them?

They pay because they can talk to her.

please stop posting this woman’s tits

The best episode of Community is no longer available on Netflix.

I’m on the 16-bit diet, where I only eat food I find on the ground. I tried Atkins and Keto but they lacked the cardio from fighting off street walkers and gangers.