
If Quaxly is Water Flying, we riot.

The DS family should NOT count - the amount of editions they have is astronomical (I owned at least 3) and their cheap price tag skews the numbers just a tad.

That’s a big fat “no.” The writer didn’t read the not-so-fine print:

Oh but it’s fun to watch, I’m sure there’s a Reddit for that.

Would you say that game ALONE is worth price of admission?

I’m probably wrong, but are you sure you’re in agreement with Mormon? I took it to mean that an “emotional affair” is just an affair.

Here’s my beef- I was ungreyed for about 2 weeks until I made some comments about Dave Chappelle.

I did not see the whimsy in that trailer. Nope, none at all.

In Walmart’s defense (weird thing to say), my wife and I were blocked from purchasing a second $90 AirPods even though we have different accounts (same addresses). There HAS to be a way to stop bots!

Best Brussels sprouts come with bacon. End of conversation.

I was on the fence about getting this, but this post cinched it for me. 

I’d agree more if they didn’t transform Claude into a handsome Devil! Look at them high def cheekbones!!!

Thank you! Buy the friggin discs!

For such old games, you can wait till it eventually drops to $20

How timely!

I see absolutely no way this can go wrong…gamers are highly disorganized and in no way would band together just to grief someo…wait, never mind.

The thought of a tablet in anyone’s pocket horrifies me.

If it’s not a sword, it’s a gun; if it’s not a gun, it’s fists/feet; if it’s not fists/feet, it’s whatever crap Bowser Jr does.

I’m all for fighting game characters infiltrating other fighting games.

If they ported over everything, it takes a little bit of the sting of still not being able to find a PS5.