From the heights of Mt. Redemption to the depths of Giant Twat Canyon.
From the heights of Mt. Redemption to the depths of Giant Twat Canyon.
I’m amazed that there are so many mentions of the lack of utility, narrower bed, better looks, easier access, lower fuel economy, Ford Ranger Splash was my favorite, yada yada - but no mention of the one that tried to have it all: the late Mazda B-Series.
I’ve always considered the British motoring press, as a whole, to be confoundingly myopic when it comes to their opinions of their own autos vs. the rest of the world’s offerings - with the notable exceptions of Richard Hammond and to a lesser degree Chris Harris. Aside from those two, it has always seemed to me that… know...SHUT THEKEY OFF
This is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen.
Sounds interesting. Is it possible that there could’ve been an avalanche nearby that you couldn’t see? Sonic boom? Somebody else mentioned meteors. Side note: I’ve almost been hit by a meteoroid while driving, that was interesting.
I also wish they had built the Solstice/Sky-based Sonett, that’s some badge engineering I could get behind:
I would make it not suck by not making it.
I’m really rooting for Honda to move in a new, subdued design direction. Their cars used to be so clean, but somewhere along the line they went off the deep end.
Check this out, it will explain the meme:
I wasn’t aware the comments section of Jalopnik was equivalent to an interview with your team. In any case, I have not used the term “low-key” in conversation with you, therefore I am led to believe that I am certainly one of - if not the - finalist candidate for employment with your organization for a position wherein…
Killdozer isn’t usually the first answer, but it is always the last one.
Should’ve let that first guy with the arm tats finish putting him to sleep.
I appreciate this.
A ‘57 Chevy is only 3" longer and 6" narrower than a ‘19 Honda Pilot.
Car Enthusiast != Driving Enthusiast
You didn’t think it was forced before?
Which one?