Al Roderick

The real subsidy is from car drivers to trucking companies. The road-damage-per-gallon-consumed of a truck is massively higher than a car, the dark side of being able to move more ton-miles on the same fuel. Car damage to roads is basically negligible. Trucking companies can undercut railroads in spite of their

What a choice! You’ve done it!

I had one hiccup launching the game first-run in VR, and that wasn’t the game’s fault. The “What networks would you like this game to be able to use” box for Windows had popped up over the game on my screen and was locking out the controls, but I couldn’t see it in headset so I thought it was just ignoring my gamepad

The only “old” Peter we’ve seen is probably Peter B. from Spiderverse, and he’s like 40-something.

I really liked this version of Peter as an experienced, late career Spider-Man. This makes him look too young.

It’s a bit like how rock musicians went a bit nuts with the panning when stereo recordings were introduced. The NES was mono. The stereo panning was not subtle on the Game Boy’s hardware, any generated sound could go either left, right or center/both. Doing a more subtle panning would require generating a sound twice

I saw a teacher friend share this on Facebook and thought the same thing. And he teaches college physics, you’d think he’d have picked up on the fact that there’s just one flat mirror so something is getting z-reversed in some fashion.

I have a lot of trouble with public matchmaking in this game. Not because of trolling or abuse, most people just play the missions and don’t say anything. The problem is that everyone goes too fast. I sprint full speed to the goals and maybe show up in time to hit something before the mission ends. Boss missions on my

There was an actual album of chant by benedictine monks that hit the charts for a while in 1994, that kicked off a raft of parodies, but “World Music”, a trend in which white producers make bank of the traditional music of uncompensated guest vocalists from other countries, was also a thing around then.

Is the concern him being thrown from the chair or the chair tipping over? There are racing wheel stands designed for people sitting in ordinary chairs in front of a TV, might be compatible if he rolls under it, Looks like the width of the base is small enough to fit between the front wheels of a manual chair, and the

Person streams video game, everyone had a lovely time” isn’t exactly headline news. Of course you’re only going to see Twitch reported about when it’s going wrong, that’s how news works.

Hero shooter pro wrestling demolition derby was a thing I didn’t know I needed, well done games industry.

The quick answer is yes, the executives who cash out their essentially free stock at hyperinflated prices, they will make money. The drivers will lose money because there’s no way the cut they get to keep covers their costs plus a decent wage, the venture capitalists who are propping up Uber in the hopes that it’ll be

I have a complicated emotional relationship with combat aircraft, so this is neat as hell but I kind of wish there was better variety in what kind of flying games got made. Realistic warfare isn’t particularly fun, but it’s easier to find a dedicated community for hardcore realism because it’s not too fractured. If

Yeah, long running problem, even among non-white artists like this. It’s also pandering pinup heavy even though it’s from a woman. But I have to say, the least sexualized piece in this gallery is the fourth one down and its my favorite, and that’s some striking character work featuring dark-skinned people.

Still waiting for the USB working group to come out with a data connection based on jamming a nine inch ice pick into a computer.

vs. Terminator. I think that you could probably get away with a “parody” version similar to Broforce.

More robots should roller skate.

A new style would mean either redoing all the assets again or segregating it like the NSMB style does. Besides, adding in the SMB2 mushroom, balloon and frog suit almost counts for how much it changes the way you play a level.

No, it implies that you are running a race on a street. Which they were. The fact that none of the people that could have had their persons or property hit by a Deutchebagwagen at 125+ mph were consenting participants makes it WORSE.