Al Roderick

There are some really clever setups out there, I remember before he died there was a company working on a voice synth for Roger Ebert so he could do voice-overs for a new TV show, and they were basing it on a huge sample library of his own speech pulled from the recordings he’d done for DVD commentaries before his

I didn’t play Pac Man in the arcades when it was new, most of my arcade time is from the 90s on fighting games and beat-em-ups (plus some sit-down driving and flying that isn’t relevant to this). I’m trying hard to remember, but I think I habitually played Pac Man (when it was there and I tried it) left handed because

The battery in a Bolt is already gigantic, 900+ pounds and 13ish thousand dollars, it’s about as big as they can make it for that size car. A laptop battery is a pretty trivial fraction of the weight of the device. My point was that the two things aren’t perfectly comparable, a battery is not a passive storage device

Chevrolet Bolt, like the one I drive. It has heated seats, but heated seats draw less power than the cabin heater, it has a big screen but it’s barebones simple. It has 200hp. I charge it every night, and rarely need to use more than half the range in a day.

I mean the president is basically sepiatone under a sodium lamp IRL.

So y’know how they have custom uniform skins for all the teams? The Philly version of Winston should orange and googly-eyed.

I feel bad for the people of Mozambique, because there’s going to be an uptick in mentions of their country on the internet but only in connection with a fake weapon in a video game, for whom most will have no context and some (the intersection of “people from Mozambique “ and “people who play Apex Legends”) are like

The “algia” part is literally latin for pain, it’s why pain killers are analgesics and why fibromyalgia affects thousands of Americans ask your doctor if Prescriptinol is right for you.

I hate hate HATE the way they chose to do difficulty in this game. They think this is fairer and more flexible, but in reality it’s lazier. I shouldn’t have to tweak three different sliders trying to figure out which flavor of failure I am, especially when the economy slider doesn’t effect all the free units the enemy

He appointed two liberals to the SC basically by accident and those justices went on to hand down major civil rights victories.

I remember that sketch all these years later. But of course the whole point of it is that the Rabbit was getting a lot better MPG, it just had to drive ten round trips to deliver the same number of kids that the bus did in one trip one way. He literally drove more Ms P every G he used, he just needed to drive further

Now playing

There was also a second version as a sports car unveiled at Tokyo Motor Show last year.

Now playing

There’s a really good series on the Weber Auto YouTube channel where this old auto shop teacher is tearing down a 2017 Bolt, which is what I drive so it’s been really interesting. There is in fact a small radiator and a big AC condenser mounted at the front of the “engine compartment” that has some airflow over it,

Cab-over-engine, but there’s no engine.

Bobby pins in the Fallout universe are made of depleted uranium.

So what classification is a military humvee? Torsen in the middle and lockable standard diffs front and rear as I recall it it, is that an AWD or a 4WD?

I still remember playing the Soulcalibur (one!) arcade machine in the International Center on the MSU campus in 2000-4 when I was there. In the US localization of the cabinet, they put Ivy in a purple body stocking under the leather.

Because it’s the Blackwidow Lite. I assume that the next product to be announced will be the same low-key scheme but in the bigger form factor.

Saw a guy on YouTube do it with his Bolt a while ago. Got a so-called “hillbilly quick charge” by paying a passing pickup truck owner to strap-tow him down the road at 25 mph in roughly the direction he was going (2-lane country road in Texas) for a few miles. I for the life of me can’t find it searching YouTube or

I drive a Bolt, so I sometimes describe it as my mobile device.