Al Roderick

I was always told to angle your wheels towards the curb when parking a car on a hill, do pilots have some standard procedure for, like, setting the elevator trim to keep the nose down in wind? Or do the control surfaces just go slack when the hydraulics are shut down? I know enough about planes from simulators to know

Battle mode needs dedicated battle arenas. They could have been so clever with the introduction of the antigrav mode, you could battle on the inside of a sphere, or the outside of a sphere, or on a dang klein bottle! Even if they’d included some shortcuts in the maps they use that are closed off for the races but open

I really like the Sergeant Doomhammer idea, and I’m sure there are a lot of people saying yes please to topless Tychus. Now where is that Vulture mount? Or one of those flying surfboards that the Protoss have for that unit that was cut?

Kind of? Guns of Icarus made the design decision not to have personal weapons and boarding actions and to keep the crews small. This makes the opposite choices. In either case, I can’t ever get my friends to play the same games as me, so I couldn’t play GoI and I can’t play this.

I was on Win 7 home premium on an Asus gaming laptop with 24 GB of RAM. Some of you will know where I’m going with this: I bought an extra 16 GB of ram and installed it on a machine that came with 8 and an OS that arbitrarily limits it to 16. I found this out long after the opportunity to upgrade to a higher tier of

Really wish we could have had a Cyborg appearance in Arkham Knight. He’s pals with Nightwing and doesn’t disrupt the tone and power level as much as, say, Starfire.

I wish there had been an easier way to get the last few militia missions added to the map other than lucking on them. Something you had to work for.

Like, it made no sense for militia guys to be Riddler informants, they all came in as a group that day so even if he paid them they didn’t have time to see anything. So

Shoulda said BAMF, because that gets the Nightcrawler reference in there.

Not gonna lie, I’m not a praying man but I did the sign of the cross real quick after I wrote that.

I’d say that, but Miyamoto is a lot older, it’s probably too late in his career for him to learn to be a businessman after this long as a designer, more than likely he’ll either design right up until the end or retire after a few more years. To be honest I’d been bracing myself to hear that Miyamoto had gone and what

A strategy known either as “high-vis ninja” or “The Naruto”.

Unpopular opinion time: I really like these puzzles. Some of them made me feel very smart when I finally got them solved, and brain work is an integral part of the Batman experience. The problem is that you only really get to solve a puzzle once, once you’ve done it you know the solution, so they need to put a lot of

If you’re going to combine this with a chromakey/green screen backdrop, light the backdrop evenly with its own lights and then put some distance between the backdrop and the subject. That backlight helps make sure none of the key color is reflected onto the subject, but I have seen some really janky videos where the

She calls him Bruce in their last cutscene together outside the orphanage, and I checked it’s the same whether you do the final mission before or after his name is revealed to the world. The circumstances of her learning his identity aren’t known, but she does know it.

The paradox of the Batmobile: it has enough grip on those skinny double-tires to do stuff like drive up walls and has four-wheel independent steering, but they expect you to drift around corners. Why not have the back end steer through the corners like an old-time fire engine or the Wachowski version of the Mach 5?

Also the freeze grenades are just chilling (hah!) in the movie studios Robincave.

All the story DLCs are prequels to the main story from what I can tell.

The big plot point I’m hoping they hit is what became of Nova. The organization that was holding her leash is gone now and I wonder what she’d do with freedom if given the choice. The Protoss campaign cries out for a token Terran on the main cast to give us an in on their society and Nova’s the perfect candidate as

I don’t hate this. Nintendo wanted to make a space-themed co-op shooter, they used one of the two space-opera game universes they already have to do it (three if F-Zero counts), and so you can use the bewildering array of alien bad guys and settings from Metroid as the targets and environments. Any time I try to think

I thought the presentation was fine, but a lot of people are just really disappointed in the slate of games. Last I checked the new Metroid Prime But Not With Samus preview trailer was like 1000 likes to 10000 dislikes, that’s probably the thing that pissed people off the most. And the thing is, I really like the