Al Roderick

Seven-dimensional flour.

The British version of capture the flag.

Yes, because Sam and Max, Monkey Island, Wallace and Gromit, Bone, Back to the Future and Homestar Runner are all serious dramatic stories full of pain and torment, and not wussy things like happiness, joy and laughter. Telltale did comedy for a long time before the Walking Dead, and I'm glad they didn't abandon it

Injecting gravity? Did you play any Telltale games before Walking Dead? Except for that series and possibly Jurassic Park (which I didn't play, but I know what they were aiming for there), they've always been about lighthearted stories. I also think you might be misremembering where Borderlands' tone is already, it's

Fair point. A while ago (last time SSDs had a price dip) I saw a few system admins swearing by running their whole server clusters off SSDs, claiming that the improved reliability under heavy load and the decreased power usage made up for the price gap. I'd suspect that in an environment like yours where you store

Have they done the same experiment with running a pod full of SSDs? I'd like to see that result.

Surprised the postal service didn't get there first. Think about it, the military is producing a lot of qualified drone pilots, technicians and mechanics, and the postal service employs more veterans than anyone else. It'd also be an example of using drones for an explicitly constitutional purpose, since providing

I'm pretty sure the point of "30 minute delivery" is that the delivery happens when you are home to pick it up immediately.

But some of them, a tiny minority selected by basically random chance, are going to be left very rich. And they'll be the only ones we ever hear about again.

The price of diamonds is controlled by the cartel that manages the international trade, and their value is based on their quality as individual stones, not as a commodity. Bad thing to back a currency with. Also, Robert Mugabe is in Zimbabwe and he's still in power, you're thinking of Muamar Gaddafhi. Looking past

Man, if you want to make money in a gold rush, sell shovels. At least this guy seems to have built his rig himself, it's the economics of buying a purpose-built mining rig off someone else I don't get. I mean, if the builder of the machine thought it was going to be able to mine enough coin to pay for itself, why

How? If a games site is not that enthusiastic about the current consoles, that's on the console makers not the game site. I'm more inclined to distrust a site that's really enthused about one thing or another despite lack of evidence and supporting facts.

I named mine Bambeer. That's right, I even cloned the name.

Here's the question: would anyone buy a football game in this day and age in which all of the teams and players were fictional/user generated? Imagine it has the best play mechanics ever. Would the best football video game ever made be worth it to you if the players and teams you love from real life weren't in it?

I pity your limited imagination. I can make it one step crazier simply by declaring it has Kinect voice only controls and was co-produced by Suda 51.

I have one that almost exclusively gets used on my trips to Chicago, because it provides the perfect combination of "I need to use this more than I do at home to navigate", "my Nexus 7 isn't here", "my car isn't here", "that's cool, I need a picture of that" and "the consequences of my battery dying are dire".

The poachers are driven by greed, if they didn't get paid they didn't win. Who really needs the punishment are the craftspeople, dealers and buyers of ivory goods, and keeping this stash off the market sticks it to them good.

It DID drop. PS3 launched at like $600 but it was only 300 when I bought it several years later.

It DID drop. PS3 launched at like $600 but it was only 300 when I bought it several years later.

They were trying to hit a price point. The PS3 launched with tiny drives and got bigger ones as the life cycle carried forward.

They were trying to hit a price point. The PS3 launched with tiny drives and got bigger ones as the life cycle

My guess is they locked in the motherboard design, and therefore the HDD interface, ages ago. Changing anything on that custom mainboard at this late stage would be a huge problem.

My guess is they locked in the motherboard design, and therefore the HDD interface, ages ago. Changing anything on