Feminist Whore

Yeah, you could kill half a prostitute and half a mom at the same time. You know, cuz sometimes hookers are moms.

"almost like belts,"

Yeah, seriously - what's up with that?

Start using a yo-yo. Just be that person who always has a yo-yo. They come in an array of styles. :P

Really, the most offensive thing about this is that it's totally going to screw with my google returns.

Well I'll be darned, there sure is! Thanks for the heads-up :)

Well. Hmm. Maybe they were just paying my badassness a compliment.

See my post above plz :) and I also think the boy's death should be investigated, since I heard about this case I've been thinking she was offed for knowing too much about what really happened to him... just speculation of course

Things I read:

There are quite a few news clips that show her body laying on the grass below the balcony. I linked to a clip above that shows a pixelated image of it, and I've seen the unpixelated versions out there as well

And I mean, hey, if we're going to speculate — maybe somebody killed her because she knew the boy hadn't actually had an "accident" —

The brother had only arrived in town a day or so before she died, he flew in because his nephew was in the hospital.

If it were for "propriety" they would tell the dead woman's concerned family the truth.

IIRC the rich guy has at least one other child who was also home when his son had his accident.

The suit alleges that "school officials should have known that Clark posed a potential danger to Le’s safety, because he had previously demonstrated aggressive behavior and a "violent propensity towards women." They don't reveal who Clark is alleged to have been violent towards, or how he demonstrated aggressive

Now playing

Yeah, this is such bullshit. I was reading about this a while ago and even back THEN, in fact - in the earliest reports I saw - the police, in every news article or televised report, they were already OBVIOUSLY gearing up to tell us all that she committed suicide.

Now playing

I made this reunion compilation a week or so ago, and it's just dogs and soldiers, but I was watching so many humans/soldiers reunion vids while I was collecting the clips, it's pretty weepy stuff...

Google books is great for finding these, if you look through the magazine sections at the older publications, it's a hoot. I found a lovely ad for "Troll Mints" in Life Magazine: []

And this bit: