Feminist Whore

@ReginaldDogg: Hey Reginald, you are not where you think you are. See that Jezebel logo up there? Now run away please, back to your puddle of ooze.

@vamusical: I read her on, and I love the comment section, a good group of people.

Classic child abuse. Simply Classic.

There's a lot of that hesitancy to pass judgement or say it's wrong, because we think that it gives an inroad for the neocons to take control of our uteruses (uteri?).

And also, you can add her to the list of pro-ganja celebs.

@alphafemale: And speaking of stupid and sexist commercial, I HATE this one, mostly for the unrealistic absence of massive head injuries from falling high heels:

I ate these things, they are DISGUSTING. Seriously, it makes me wonder who is taste-testing this crap before they release it on the public.

Did Amy take her baby with her? giggle!

Dakota is lovely and graceful, and reminds me of Jodie Foster, and I'm not just saying that because I think she's gay.

@Hazel: Hmm, gee maybe I should read it, cuz now I'M curious about what you want

@la.donna.pietra: "serves one purpose: to define male sexuality in explicit contrast to female sexuality."

After a 3-day fight, after we'd made up, my hunny e-mailed me this.

A bigger misogynist looks like this