Feminist Whore

I was watching a Sex and the City rerun last night, the one where Big tells Carrie he's leaving his wife, Aiden is refinishing the floors and Carrie goes to a hotel for peace and quiet where Big finds her and shows up at the hotel and then he starts making heavy moves on her in the elevator.

@water baby: Genital Integrity is the modern movement

I'll only inject baby-foreskins into myself if they either

Lot's of folks dig John Stewart, I certainly wouldn't kick him out of bed, but Mr. Colbert is the man for me. /swoon

@Sunflowercat: Here's my theory, taken from some other thing I wrote about haters:

I made a wrong turn earlier, and somehow I ended up on the Chick Tract website. I feel kinda dizzy still, that sight is so hilarious at the same time so horrifying.

Could someone take the boot on the main page from the post below this one and kick Hasselbeck's ass with it?

It's all about breeding. Gay people don't breed. That makes them bad. In the minds of, what I like to call, the Bible-Based-Breeding-Brigade - the B4 for short.

From the git-go I assumed that the authorities are covering their own asses, because when they were alerted to domestic trouble, they did nothing to protect this child.

@Cerridwen: Not really off-topic at all (imo, which ain't worth much) cuz hypnosis was invented by a guy named Mesmer in the mid 1800s. The word mesmerize came from his name...

Interesting how Obama was able to hypnotize me into support even though I've NEVER-EVER heard a single one of his speeches. Some of us do read about candidate's positions on the actual issues. That's some powerful hypnotizing there...

I think I may have been doing the wrong kind of lines for America.

Is this supposed to be proof of these women's more "lighthearted" side, or more proof of these women's status as the property of men? I'm thinking it's the latter.

My dog once ate an entire large-size vat of Vaseline. Horrifying when it started to come out the other end a few hours later. Kept coming out of the dog, never got it out of the carpet.

It is my mission in life to spread the truth. It was Flavor-Aid, not Kool-Aid. :-)

@alphafemale: Sorry not testosterone, but "androgenic steroids"