Feminist Whore

Even stupid people have a purpose, at least Paris isn't stupid and mean. Ignorance really is bliss.

"good looks, economic resources, nascent parenting skills, and loyalty and devotion"

Boo. Big boo. Pinkwashed.

Lame, and yet so topical... I was just perusing

Male circumcision is just as barbaric as female circumcision, imo. On genital integrity: []

Also on the topic of sleeping women being sexually assualted is a story from monday's Consumerist. Woman falls asleep on a plane, strange guy moves to sit next to her, jerks himself off into her hair... it was quite a lively thread.

I read this Dear Abby the other day, I'm an advice column junkie, and my take on it is... well....

"Anyone ready to party like it's 1989"

@Rhymeswithfeather: So true, a guy friend of mine when I met him, told me his exGF had taken a large glass ashtray and tried to kill him with it by smashing his head in. He had a couple big ol' scars on his scalp from it, too. Sure enough a few months later, after I got to know him better, I figured out that he

My stepsister (we are estranged) is a crazy bitch... I wasn't sure they exsisted until I met her. She once asked me about a guy she was dating "I don't really like him, but he says he will buy me a car, do you think I should string him along until he gets me one?" My jaw dropped because I was taught not to use people

Holy Crap. Can you imagine the holiday newsletters this chick will be sending out once she's hitched and has procreated - as it's instructed in the Bibble (yes I'm calling it the Bibble)


I'm not finding where in the story on MSNBC it says they are drug addicts. I'm a drug addict, and I have known hundreds, if not thousands, of drug addicts and not a single one of them has ever been even tempted to live on a toilet for 2 years.

@NewsBunny: Seems you're named NewsBunny for good reason :)

@LucyRed: He probably is full of shit :), but you are supposed to go several times a day. It's supposed to take 24 hrs for digestion, so everytime you eat, 24 hours later you should be about ready to go. Many women go 3-4 times a week, probably a lot of the women here go about that often, and they won't really notice

I'm obsessed with my poops, and my man knows it's one of my favorite subjects. You young'uns will understand better once you're on the far side of 35. lol as I now read what @briardahl: wrote... yep... It's easy to not give a shit about shittin' as long as you're able to shit. When it stops being so easy to go... it's

Bizness is bizness, and it's no great mystery why they would advertise here, even in posts that are critical of AA many of the commenters say that they like AA, or certain aspects of it... as in "I love their tops but the pants never fit me right". Me? I only shop at Wal-Mart. - oh and at Lane Bryant - cuz, ya know,

I think "International Women's Day" sounds, well, kinda fluffy. Those three words make me think of something along the lines of celebrating my femininity with a day at the spa. (not that I would ever do such a thing)

@dani0010: I don't make the bed either, and I also just bunch up my sheets into a matching pillow case. Same with the undies (and bras), they get thier own drawer. I also buy all the same type of sock so they never need matching up, they all just get stuffed in a drawer, whichever 2 I grab, I know they match. Another

Boys and girls have been playing doctor forever, I can't believe someone would pay for a script of it... really, how hard could it be to think up 2 lines of dialog... "Oh, Mr Jones, you appear to have a bit of swelling here, let me see if I can ease some of that pressure...." y'all can use that line, just send me 50