
It’s really not much different than Trump

Let’s be clear.  Musk is not a “mega genius”.  He is a mega marketer just like Jobs and very lucky but he’s a mega marketer.  Mega marketers are the ones that are usually recognized and make the most money while the real geniuses just toil away (often unrecognized).

I have despised Oz as a snake oil promoter for at least a decade, however...

The claim that Depp somehow “influenced” the jury or “rigged” the trial and carrying on like some sort of martyr is absurd.  She did something to cause all this and it came down on her head.

Her voice really isn’t that close.  It’s just not low enough.

I have absolutely no idea why someone is attacking the auto industry on this vs. John Deere who is far, far worse or even more specifically Apple.  Info for car repair may not be where some may like it to be, but it’s not even remotely the poster child for right to repair.

So, an advanced scientist has expressed reluctance to vaccinate her children and she’s under attack because the SJWs don’t like anyone questioning their POV. Then also expressing letting some facts play out or expressing some doubt also isn’t the 1000% support for the Weinstein situation she ought to be crucified.

The thought that Trump considered or claimed he was any sort of patriot given he was a two-time draft dodger make me (a veteran) a bit ill.

So, the issue here is that someone with all the physical assets of a man in a world where men’s results are typically better than women’s not being able to exploit those assets of physically being a man in competition against women.

Just let them die.  Denying Darwin is what led to these knuckle draggers even being here.

So, let’s then just down to basic honesty. The author is stating that the only thing that matters to her is which end of the spectrum you’re at. If you’re on the wrong end, then all forms of personal attack are just fine. Doesn’t matter left or right.  Frankly, this is basically the state of society at this time. 

As a veteran, it makes my stomach turn every time this draft dodging cowardly sociopath hugs the flag.

Sure Trump.  Why should the 200k+ (so far) be afraid of COVID.  It’s not big issue.  You are just a bunch of wusses.  Get up...rub some dirt in it.  It’s all fake anyway.  Manufactured by democrats in the deep state working with the Chinese to negatively impact perfectly law-abiding fascists.

Disagree on the title of this. I’ve been delivering projects for decades of all sort and sizes and we have a saying that once in a while a small train wreck is a good thing.

Sorry dude. The civil war was not about slavery. The freeing of slaves was a threat and weapon the north used against the south during the civil war, but the real reason for the civil war was that the south wasn’t fed up with the north controlling everything when the south was increasing in economic power from

Actually, neither blacks nor whites are very aware of the massacre.  It’s not in history books used in school and nobody in school pays any attention to history if they did.

in the spirit of leadership by example, let’s wait until the governor and his extended family go first, get COVID and “get over it”.

Claiming that this message was intended for a private chat just proves the woman recognizes it’s a racist comment.  If it weren’t she wouldn’t have made the comment or have only posted it in a private chat.

what the heck is “unhoused”?  Do you mean homeless?

Zuckerberg is too much of a corporate money grabber and weak spined to do anything about hate groups. He hides behind the comments of how hard it is and also that everyone should have a voice, however twitter is at least putting in a token effort (not enough, but a start). There’s plenty of AI and processes that can