
Maybe she shouldn't be telling people to F* off on video...

This kind of stuff gives me the willies even though I'm a pilot.

It would be especially cool if this thing moved.

For all the people "piling on" with corporate bashing (read is bash anyone more successful than you) why won't we also label all the electrical companies as evil (because people have been executed with the electric chair and car companies (because people die in car wrecks you know) and maybe the water treatment plants

It's very convenient to refer to a fictitious 2TB when you can claim that you "just can't release it" due to pending USB 3.0 standard approvals.

I guess poo water is no longer poo water once it sits in a river or lake for a while...

So is poo water, not poo water because it sits in a river or a lake for a while.

We are in this position, in large part due to the lack of technical expertise that lead to handing out of overly broad patents in the first place.

"...they have been gracious enough to allow affected passengers to rebook their flights without penalties".