
It’s not about defending illegal immigration it’s about the fact that expending resources tracking down, detaining and transporting mostly people who aren’t posing any threat and are contributing to the economy of their communities doesn’t benefit anybody. If they want to stem the influx of illegal immigrants they

Is this a place holder for when Sphincter actually gets fired for perpetuating lies about the Obama wiretap on Trump Tower. Because I’m sincerely hoping that he gets canned for that.

I am at Meals on Wheels now, doing my Friday gig. Only half of our local clients can pay for the meals we bring. As it is, it is only Mon-Fri and I worry all the time about what they do on weekends. More than 80% of our clients see no one else except for our drivers. The saddest, most horrible fact ever. We deliver

Wrong movie



This has nothing to do with what kind of rear end it has. He simply refused to let off until it was too late, thinking he could save it.

Living in a world where I agree with Rand Paul is terrifying.

I love how Schumer keeps fielding questions of “Is there anything inherently wrong with meeting with the Russian ambassador?”

it’s all makes sense now

Keep turning up the heat on Sessions. He will eventually fold just like Flynn. Unbelievable that he lied in his confirmation hearing. This is utterly ridiculous.

I think they’re injecting Spicer with cells harvested from Trump and they haven’t figured out yet how to make the transformation last longer than a few hours. I’m sure eventually, Sephiroth Spicer will be complete.

Hate to break into this, apparently Conway just broke news of a massacre in Bowling Green perpetrated by refugees. Where were we all on this one? I am totally setting up a gofundme page to gather money for those injured in the attacks.

...oh god. I was that weird kid who didn’t have a Lamborghini Countach or Ferrari Testarossa on my wall (dating myself here), I had THESE. Always loved the NSX. This brings a tear to my eye.

Unfortunately for him, it’s worth VW’s while to railroad him legally to deter others from attempting to do the same to their cars. They have lawyers on retainer just for this type of thing. If he has to pony up for his own lawyer, even if he eventually wins, he will wish he never bothered being so petty as parting his

Hello world of 2.5 second 0-60 EVs constantly slamming into the back of stopped EVs because the average idiot is in no way capable of handling a car which accelerates that fast.

I buy new cars. That that is my vice, its why I get up and go to work in the morning. I dont spend money on granite counter tops, McMansions, or fly away vacations. So, when its time for a new ride, I like new. Its ok. But I pay cash and accept the deprecation as the cost of my vice.