
This is exactly what it looks like, bunch of cowards.

Yeah they did, immediately booted, pfft. More like had to boot so we can CYA ourselves. Idiots, all of them.

Home Decor, say you had a Chiron in the garage, but you just blew all you had on it and can’t afford the renovations for that fancy show off garage or glass walls to where people can see your baby.

For 10k this thing better transform. They would have been better off making it into one of those big wheel electric cars for little kids. I like the terms “hand crafted” and “CAD” as well as this thing will probably be outsourced to China after a year or so.

Yeah, it’s a fair point to be brought up. So you’ll have jagweeds like myself cutting off autonomous cars and you’ll have bicyclists fearing for their lives hoping the auto detection systems are working properly.

See this guy gets it. People are idiots, and that’s why traffic exists.

Had to rewatch to see this, some rando runner? Maybe he was running away to get help. More than likely he won the Not My Fraking Job Award.

Mighty Car Mods...

Ha, ok I stopped halfway. Lambo is trying to date women, not sell them cars. I get this image of this fat greased up italian guy with a pinky ring saying, you can have it all baby, I’ll tell you what you want. Gross.


Were you planning on sharing some with the rest of us?

Ha, this is awesome. Thank you for ripping the “Big Mouth Bass” that is Lexus apart. Now, before anyone jumps down my throat I actually don’t mind a few lexuses... lexi? but this particular one had to go down. Style points for use of the kid to illustrate some points.

Well now no one has cake... That being said my Crazy Car Dreams and Schemes aren’t going to pay for themselves, so props on the brown bag special.

Ahem, you mentioned Cake and then posted an article around lunchtime. I’m sitting here eating my brown bag meal from home wishing it was cake. I hate you.

God I miss my ‘86 Nissan Maxima. You see those boxy lines, and no curves. That’s a real car right there! Screw you new kids on the block with your curvy maximas, back in my day we had Pride.

Beltway 8 and Westview? Ha, ok I see what you did there Stef, good troll. You remember that scene in Training Day when Denzel’s character stops 4 white kids in a Beetle and says Don’t come down here? This is kinda like that. Albeit the toll way in that area isn’t bad, but continuing on westview to Spring Branch is

Step 1: Make car look attractive and use an existing electric/hybrid platform, ie a volt or prius.

Jesus, 3rd gear is scary. So as a Fringe Millenial, born in 86, why are idiots going to look forward to this? I guess laziness has set in, and I’m not just talking about millenials, I’m talking about everyone. CarMax broke their way in, not really haggle friendly, in and out you go. Used car dealerships are doing this

I honestly had no idea this was a thing. This is creepy. Like properly creeply. That being said, if anyone needs me I’ll be at the Torch Shrine underneath a blanket fort with my tinfoil hat on. Always learning something new...

Well eff, thought I was special...