I am torn on this, on one hand, I love the actors, the energy, and what the trailer is selling.
On the other hand Fuck Hasbro, they knew what they were doing, and had feedback it wouldn’t go well, and decided to plow along anyway.
I am torn on this, on one hand, I love the actors, the energy, and what the trailer is selling.
On the other hand Fuck Hasbro, they knew what they were doing, and had feedback it wouldn’t go well, and decided to plow along anyway.
you wanted the mushroom fighting off antibodies, I give you Spore with Robin Williams
I can’t wait for Netflix to decide not to air this movie.
Except I started using the silicone muffin trays and the like for that sort of thing years ago, just like Lifehacker recommended.
You may be right on the used car front, but I meant everything else in general, New cars, Home and rent, food, etc etc. They may not increase, but they are likely not decreasing.
Gonna call bullshit on all but the used cars. Price went up, and they will stay up for a significant portion of the year only because price increases are sticky.
this is why you make spice mix and/or put it/them in a small bowl before handeling raw meat. you can then just throw them in the sink when done, so the regular spice containers aren’t touched in prep.
The Obvious answer is Count Fenrig, and that is the educated geeks guess, but it could really be anything, it could be someone in the court, but if its a named character, the money is on Count Fenrig.
I can’t wait for the end of the month when its canceled by netflix
how about for quick pickling red onions, I’ve followed various online and have had some in shops that somehow get them REALLY good.
I’d be happy with a blanket policy of no spoilers in Titles, but we all know there is a quota that MUST be filled weekly for those.
Actually people with tile app will report your lost tags back to you. The Difference is that ANY iphone will report the location of a AirTag, so basically the install base is much larger by default, otherwise they work much the same.
If only the Burger King original chicken sandwich was good.
Kinja writers have a weekly quota to fill with putting spoilers in headlines, just be glad they forgot to do it this time!
Seeing as it was available for 3 of those days, and people are notoriously busy during those days. I wonder what the viewership will be like for it when you add in the week after numbers. Just seems like an odd time to focus on the days leading up to Christmas for viewership #s
I really wish people would stop doing the whole, you can deduct it off your taxes, when 90% of the population doesn’t do it as its not worth it vs the standard.
Also helps as retailers don’t need to worry about getting it to customers in time for prelaunch beta access vs normal launch, and shipping delays and all other sorts of hiccups, that you don’t want to happen to your VIP customers spending extra money.
Not sure on where, but I do picture a bunch of white people practitioning the eastern religion wherever it is. As in con artists. But depends on the story being told, and not trying to disparage any religion, just the Religion being sold for buckets of money at a high end resort.
Another day another Spoiler tittle, I wish Kinja would stop with the quotas about spoiler titles and eliminate them.
I keep mistaking it for a Death Stranding sequel due to their guy in a suit marketing.