
Its better framed as “set in the I Robot Universe” as it shares parts, but is never part of the story. Crossing fingers for the Foundation series to get a cross over Caves of steel story, and R Daneel Olivaw, since Asimov was doing crossover events so long ago.

Would also be curious about time shifting in that situation, I know with my Work from Home, there have been a few late nights I’ve had because I was on a roll, focused, and getting things done, but then, I’d take an early Friday that same week, keeping to ~40 hours. So if it a Late Tuesday means early weekend, might

Also depends on the setting. If the bar in question is being used for a meetup after some event, by multiple regular patrons, or for a birthday party of some sort, then it may be ok for the underage or the kids.

agreed, but this combined with other things, culminating in not wanting to try new things, would end up being deal breaker.

At least for me the ones I attended were Drivers ed, and Gym, So I could take educational classes in the actual school year, and do fun things like swimming, golf, tennis, and things for gym credit. Rural school, minimal cost of equipment, Pool was just peoples pools in the area they offered up, and sometimes a public

More accurate is His head on Fat Bastards body from Austin Powers.

Cold Stone Creamery like Ice Creame where you take base ice Creame, choose toppings, and it mixes it there and serves

In other news water is wet?

You seem to forget that WWE is at its heart, Scripted. All the drama, all the bullshit, a lot of it is scripted. Sure some is adlibbed, and it requires actual Physicallity and wrestling training. He’s been acting since 2000 as part of the WWE. Just not in a form most people watch.

I liked the first season, and watched some of the 2nd, but never got caught up for the 3rd season, I really wish that stuff like this and Clarice would just stop doing the crime/monster of the week shit and tell the story. Its been shown to work in so many other shows, and it works for sitcoms, But shows like this are

also check for wax that isn’t removed through a wipe, a bobby pin, paperclip or other item might be good for clearing that out.

In terms of Covid filming it makes perfect sense. The B or C camera team can setup to film in the 3 locations that happend in the episode, it involves a minimal number of characters interacting, and can be easily scheduled so that they can shoot each part separately even if it were filmed earlier in the shooting

WTF Has hell frozen over?????? Kinja doesn’t put the spoiler in the title.

Saw a hollowseeker with the beams that spawn periodically that annilate everything, then he got a new one with beam + a beam turret.

Exactly, Like at a burger place, you got all these toppings, and I want 80% of this one burger, and then cheese and something else from another, I don’t feel bad.

Asking them to make a meatloaf sandwich, NOPE.

Another tip, though it may be to late for some, Take them BEFORE graduation day. I got my robe a month before graduation, and we planned a weekend about 3 weeks before graudation to go around campus and take pictures at various spots. There was not a line, no one else was taking pictures. Versus Graduation day theres

I have a passport wallet that I use for travel, it is either in my go bag, or in my desk. I have put my vaccine card in there. Helps keep it safe, not frequently used, and in an easy to remember place.

I’ve been playing the game a bit, and the thing has always spawns during the animation and doesn’t shoot, giving me time to react. Even to the point of it waits until the player moves. so this just seems like a rare bug.

System seller is Horizon Zero Dawn Forbidden West. I was on the fence of Xbox vs Playstation this gen, having never owned a current gen playstion, only past gen, Between the Ps4 back catalog, the Playstation plus collection, and having played Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC, I was sold, I wanted to play Forbidden West at

Technically though, All prisoners in federal prison are slaves, and they aren’t counted at 3/5ths, and neither do those in the states that haven’t outlawed slavery on the books.