Alpaca Lunch

Never find yourself on the end of my heavy splatling gun. Sasha Only Knows Death.

I remember my days in Protestantism when John Piper was supposedly a wellspring of insight and wisdom.

I’ve probably watched CarlSagan42 for about a year, and the guy is just a joy to watch.

I had a curious optimism about the game, but now i just want it...

I’d hate to be a teacher right now. Best of luck to you educators that have to help students through this.

Or, you live in Kansas City. Sure, it ain’t the coast, but it’s practically an oasis in the Midwest.

If you played it, Fahey, how does this compare to P.A.M.E.L.A.?

This needs many, many more stars.

I will take your Switch off your hands for $100 dollars, since it “has no games”.

I wish the first Crackdown was on PC.

even as a team Mayo player, I wound up playing at least five matches versus other Mayo teams. Plus, we tended to run over any ketchup team we encountered. 😁

My father and I competitively went after the high score in Commander Keen. I would sometimes surpass him, but he would always go to this one level where you could get lots of 1 ups and lots of points. He would get all of that, and die. This is how he inflated his high score and showed up his poor seven-year-old son. :)

There goes some perfectly good Mayo.

Kansas City votes to push the rest of Missouri into a goddamn black hole. All in favor?

Strategies will only get boulder.

I could always go for eatingIMEANMEETING new friends! HAHAHA! Meeting...

Waking up next to it, it eating a clove of garlic, and it asking, “So, how WAAAAAAs it for you?

Missourian here. I have a relative that is extremely prolife. She walked by a Planned Parenthood in a mall, and literally started praying outloud for all of the fetuses that might be aborted there (hint: the only abortion performing clinic in MO is un St. Louis City, so it wasn’t there). She abhores adoption. I doubt